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3/23/2017 c1 1midnightsummergirl
"And from now on, you get to use the word 'intercourse' only once a year. Use it wisely." Brilliant!
11/27/2012 c1 4GallifreyanVampireSlayer
This was one of the funniest things I ever read ever.
8/30/2012 c1 the dud pistachio
Hilarious! Thank you for the laughs and for the fantastic read! :D
5/7/2012 c1 10RowdyRomantic
Such a fun and realistic story...So much bickering ( I miss that these days). You really have the characters down pat in this?

"Listen, Bones, do you have some type auditory-dyslexia I should have been informed about? Like, for instance, I say 'Do not under any circumstance do this', and you hear 'Be my guest, it's a free-for-all'?"

I loved this line, it one of the best ever ( and still sounds like them today).


5/28/2011 c1 22CrayonClown
I loved this so SO much. Very funny.

I don't usually review very many things, but I saw that this one appears to have been stuck at 99 reviews since February, and figured I would bump it up to 100 for you. :)


2/16/2011 c1 18Lust.Is.Evanescent
Sooooooooo funny...really.
8/13/2010 c1 shezzabuttons
This is brilliant. The voices are spot on, and you had me chuckling all the way through.
8/4/2010 c1 5LilyPSuzeSMiaM
Haha, this was definitely hilarious! I was cracking up! You got the characters exactly right, I could definitely imagine them saying these things!
6/15/2010 c1 makd
originally read this story years ago, but I came back to reread it, as it remains one of the funniest fics I've ever read, regardless of fandom.
1/5/2010 c1 Joy Kennan
That. Was. Awesome. Hysterical, witty, amusing, precious, and all around entertaining. Especially loved the footnotes. Thanks for making me laugh.
7/17/2009 c1 xxDare2Dreamxx
Love it! :D :D :D
6/9/2009 c1 4BxBforever
ha ha h ha love it
3/1/2009 c1 RavanaSnape
Been in fanfic for eight years and I usually avoid like the plague. Haven't found anything worth reading on here, until now. This was great :) (Came here through rec from http:/astridv./82349.html)
2/18/2009 c1 17SincerelyPinkPanties
Lol. That was freaking hilarious & uber plausible as well. :)
2/9/2009 c1 ArtISec8Cl8
ROTFLOL, Brilliant. I love the footnote commentary. This has to be the funniest Bones-fic I've read yet!
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