Just In
for Right Kind Of Wrong

7/30/2016 c18 6Hancock23
the ending was rushed but this was a good story. thank you.
9/25/2015 c8 13CrypticCatalyst
Snape's lack of asshole-ness is highly disturbing.
4/5/2015 c18 lifelovelaugh
Omfg loved it! 3
7/7/2014 c18 36AliceCullen3
5/17/2014 c18 8Living-In-Bliss
I really did like this, it's brutal, emotional but honest. It's precisely what would happen to the two boys in that situation. And I do like the fact that yes, some stories will end in rain and death but, that's how life can be. Ohhh, I really did like this.
12/19/2011 c18 Rooz990
9/23/2011 c18 8Amazing Salmon
I love it please add moar
9/20/2011 c10 Amazing Salmon
lurv it
4/29/2010 c1 Hatake Tsughi
That was good I just spent my afternoon reading your story instead of working XD I hope you do a sequel! Great Job!
8/18/2009 c18 3GeorgieGirl999
this is really good! i hope you write a sequel! good job!
7/14/2008 c17 SpringCherryBlossom
Geez, Ron broke his leg... AGAIN!
6/25/2008 c18 2jetsonastro2002
please write at least a one shot sequel! i want to see the Dursly's reactions to harry being gay!
6/18/2008 c1 Snow12345
heh heh...yaoi.
5/14/2008 c18 Swallows a lot
good story, though that certainely was one of the more graphicly disturbing torture scenes i've, good job, i guess.
5/12/2008 c18 2Slashfilled-mind
This story SO needs a sequel! Not right now, but please write one after a wile. I'll give you a cookie?
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