Just In
for Surrender

7/1/2008 c23 6Aadiana

Update soon!PLEASE!
6/30/2008 c23 Robyn Hawkes
So is Malakai taking Hermione to Aemilius? Are there still deatheaters watching his house? Update soon.
6/30/2008 c23 nana41
Such a long wait.. but it was worth it! Thanks so much for updating.. and i can't wait till the next chapter! please try to update sooner and i can't wait to hear from you soon! thanks again!
6/30/2008 c23 9harryhermionerw

Wow... This is good...

I did not see that coming. At all.

Very good job. =)

Update soon!
6/30/2008 c23 18CharlieMichelle

update soon or i shall bite you. . .and believe me i will, ask Erika!
6/30/2008 c23 1Erytha
o! update soon please! draco needs to go all protective and kill malakai... or sumink dramatic like that :P!
6/30/2008 c23 2NelliGirl
interesting chapter. Great story so far. I hope everything goes well so far.
6/30/2008 c23 6The Queen of Confusion
Great chapter! Hope to see more soon!

6/29/2008 c23 mary-pi
That was awesome! The wait was so worth it. If you could just update a little faster, well.. that would be great, fantastic even. All right.. gonna shut up now. But not before telling you (again) that this chapter was really really good. And thank you for that twist!

P.S.. I would like your youtube channel name
6/29/2008 c23 Laughing Nell
oh my GOODNESS! You HAVE to update soon!
6/22/2008 c22 3RemusheartsTonks
that was good update soon
6/22/2008 c15 RemusheartsTonks
but how could he not love her why did you make it this way your the one who created this story
6/18/2008 c22 11xx-Mione-Fan-xx
Great chapter. lol as always.

Looking forward to the next one. xD
5/26/2008 c22 pedestriancow
awsome chapter ~! can't wait to see what you come up with next! :)
5/18/2008 c22 Robyn Hawkes
I have been reading your two stories for the past few days and I'm so disappointed that I now have to wait . Only one criticism: when you're listing things or people you need to use commas ie.

Pansy, Millicent, Goyle and Crabbe. Hope you update soon.
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