2/28/2008 c37 Bohemian-Scandal
Oh man. This chapter was amazing. So powerful. Once again, you got me all teary. Damn you. Lol.
House has never broken his character and I thank you for that. I mentioned it in an earlier review, but I can't stand it when House is a pile of caring, loving mush in fanfics. It happens a lot.
Oh man. This chapter was amazing. So powerful. Once again, you got me all teary. Damn you. Lol.
House has never broken his character and I thank you for that. I mentioned it in an earlier review, but I can't stand it when House is a pile of caring, loving mush in fanfics. It happens a lot.
2/28/2008 c33 Bohemian-Scandal
It may have been difficult, but it paid off because it was brilliant!
My God, I love House as a character and you write him perfectly.
Actually you write every character perfectly. ^_^
It may have been difficult, but it paid off because it was brilliant!
My God, I love House as a character and you write him perfectly.
Actually you write every character perfectly. ^_^
2/28/2008 c25 Bohemian-Scandal
Cute chapter.
I like the fact that you're incorporating Jesse Spencer's guitar playing (and even violin playing from that earlier chapter) into the story.
I always wished they would do that on the show. But of course, Chase get's so little screen time these days. : (
Cute chapter.
I like the fact that you're incorporating Jesse Spencer's guitar playing (and even violin playing from that earlier chapter) into the story.
I always wished they would do that on the show. But of course, Chase get's so little screen time these days. : (
2/27/2008 c24 Bohemian-Scandal
Ugh. Chameron.
Lol, at least you justified why you had to go down this road. It makes sense I suppose. It doesn't mean I have to like it though!
Haha. I also think everyone saw what would happen before it did.
Anyway, awesome story.
Ugh. Chameron.
Lol, at least you justified why you had to go down this road. It makes sense I suppose. It doesn't mean I have to like it though!
Haha. I also think everyone saw what would happen before it did.
Anyway, awesome story.
2/27/2008 c16 Bohemian-Scandal
Congratulations, you've succeeded in making me cry. : (
My God this story is brilliant and believeable.
Congratulations, you've succeeded in making me cry. : (
My God this story is brilliant and believeable.
2/27/2008 c10 Bohemian-Scandal
I commend you for the research you did. Seriously. Most people just glaze over it. But you're hardcore!
This fanfic is amazing. ^_^
I commend you for the research you did. Seriously. Most people just glaze over it. But you're hardcore!
This fanfic is amazing. ^_^
2/27/2008 c9 Bohemian-Scandal
This story is completely amazing! I can't believe I haven't discovered it before now. You write every character perfectly.
A lot of people turn House into one big pile of mush in angsty fics, but you beautifully blend his concern and his snark and I could totally picture this fic playing out as episodes without difficulty.
And yes, this chapter was very enjoyable. I can't wait to read more.
Poor Chase. : (
This story is completely amazing! I can't believe I haven't discovered it before now. You write every character perfectly.
A lot of people turn House into one big pile of mush in angsty fics, but you beautifully blend his concern and his snark and I could totally picture this fic playing out as episodes without difficulty.
And yes, this chapter was very enjoyable. I can't wait to read more.
Poor Chase. : (
2/23/2008 c36 paperlessprinter
hey good chapter!
i think that's as close to therapy as House is going to get!
dig the cliff hanger ending
hey good chapter!
i think that's as close to therapy as House is going to get!
dig the cliff hanger ending
2/18/2008 c25 mar-aureus
omg! I love this! It's really amazing! You're writing the characters perfectly and all the story is such great that I don't have words to describe it. I'll keep on reading...
omg! I love this! It's really amazing! You're writing the characters perfectly and all the story is such great that I don't have words to describe it. I'll keep on reading...
2/13/2008 c14 mar-aureus
Wow I'm just in chapter 14 and I think this is awesome. I'm thrilled that I still have lots of chapters to read! I love your accurate descriptions, your characterizations and... I think everything! It seems very real to me and sometimes you made me feel very worried for Chase. And Kacey is very sweet! Well, I'll keep reading!
Wow I'm just in chapter 14 and I think this is awesome. I'm thrilled that I still have lots of chapters to read! I love your accurate descriptions, your characterizations and... I think everything! It seems very real to me and sometimes you made me feel very worried for Chase. And Kacey is very sweet! Well, I'll keep reading!
2/10/2008 c24 badritual
so I finished reading up to chapter 20, and I'm thrilled there are nineteen more for me to read.
Only Cameron could think seducing a rape victim would help.
Amazing story. Adding it to my faves and author alerts!
so I finished reading up to chapter 20, and I'm thrilled there are nineteen more for me to read.
Only Cameron could think seducing a rape victim would help.
Amazing story. Adding it to my faves and author alerts!
2/10/2008 c39 LostSchizophrenic
This is amazing. You've done a wonderful job so far and I hope you get a chance to update soon!
This is amazing. You've done a wonderful job so far and I hope you get a chance to update soon!
2/10/2008 c39 windstar
great chapter!
great chapter!
2/10/2008 c39 Goten0040
Is it over? O.O
I really love this story. I really do. I'm glad I stuck through it so long. XD I congratulate you on 39 Chapters! Wow! (You beat my personal record of 37.)
Is it over? O.O
I really love this story. I really do. I'm glad I stuck through it so long. XD I congratulate you on 39 Chapters! Wow! (You beat my personal record of 37.)