Just In
for Silenced

2/28/2008 c37 Bohemian-Scandal
Oh man. This chapter was amazing. So powerful. Once again, you got me all teary. Damn you. Lol.

House has never broken his character and I thank you for that. I mentioned it in an earlier review, but I can't stand it when House is a pile of caring, loving mush in fanfics. It happens a lot.

2/28/2008 c33 Bohemian-Scandal
It may have been difficult, but it paid off because it was brilliant!

My God, I love House as a character and you write him perfectly.

Actually you write every character perfectly. ^_^
2/28/2008 c25 Bohemian-Scandal
Cute chapter.

I like the fact that you're incorporating Jesse Spencer's guitar playing (and even violin playing from that earlier chapter) into the story.

I always wished they would do that on the show. But of course, Chase get's so little screen time these days. : (
2/27/2008 c24 Bohemian-Scandal
Ugh. Chameron.

Lol, at least you justified why you had to go down this road. It makes sense I suppose. It doesn't mean I have to like it though!

Haha. I also think everyone saw what would happen before it did.

Anyway, awesome story.
2/27/2008 c16 Bohemian-Scandal
Congratulations, you've succeeded in making me cry. : (

My God this story is brilliant and believeable.
2/27/2008 c10 Bohemian-Scandal
I commend you for the research you did. Seriously. Most people just glaze over it. But you're hardcore!

This fanfic is amazing. ^_^
2/27/2008 c9 Bohemian-Scandal
This story is completely amazing! I can't believe I haven't discovered it before now. You write every character perfectly.

A lot of people turn House into one big pile of mush in angsty fics, but you beautifully blend his concern and his snark and I could totally picture this fic playing out as episodes without difficulty.

And yes, this chapter was very enjoyable. I can't wait to read more.

Poor Chase. : (
2/23/2008 c37 5paperlessprinter
loved it!
2/23/2008 c36 paperlessprinter
hey good chapter!

i think that's as close to therapy as House is going to get!

dig the cliff hanger ending
2/18/2008 c25 mar-aureus
omg! I love this! It's really amazing! You're writing the characters perfectly and all the story is such great that I don't have words to describe it. I'll keep on reading...
2/13/2008 c14 mar-aureus
Wow I'm just in chapter 14 and I think this is awesome. I'm thrilled that I still have lots of chapters to read! I love your accurate descriptions, your characterizations and... I think everything! It seems very real to me and sometimes you made me feel very worried for Chase. And Kacey is very sweet! Well, I'll keep reading!
2/10/2008 c24 badritual
so I finished reading up to chapter 20, and I'm thrilled there are nineteen more for me to read.

Only Cameron could think seducing a rape victim would help.

Amazing story. Adding it to my faves and author alerts!
2/10/2008 c39 LostSchizophrenic
This is amazing. You've done a wonderful job so far and I hope you get a chance to update soon!
2/10/2008 c39 windstar
great chapter!
2/10/2008 c39 Goten0040
Is it over? O.O

I really love this story. I really do. I'm glad I stuck through it so long. XD I congratulate you on 39 Chapters! Wow! (You beat my personal record of 37.)
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