6/11/2014 c1
"However, this is not a "rape" fic just for the sake of sensationalism. This is a recovery fic."
Yes. A thousand times yes.
I tried a few (read: many) times, myself, to write such a fic, and it took me three years to finally succeed. I don't know if it was my skills as a writer that were letting me down or if I just wasn't far enough along in my recovery, but what you've created here is something that I think I've always wanted to write myself, but wasn't able to. It was wonderful. So many fics like this that had potential were ruined when the author just used rape as a stepping stone for a pairing, and I'm glad that you didn't. The Chase/Cameron DID make sense, even though this story was never about the pairing in any way, shape, or form, regardless. You also kept it realistic by leaving Chase's attackers uncaught. It's a sad, but true, reality that, for many victims, for one reason or another, their attackers go free.
One tiny note, and this is not meant to be a complainant at all, but as an author I know that I like to be corrected when I make a mistake. You consistently referred to Chase's situation as having PTSD. That's incorrect; Chase had acute stress disorder, which is something almost all sexual assault victims experience in varying degrees- when, in the first few weeks after their attack, they experience symptoms that match those of PTSD. Acute stress disorder becomes PTSD when these symptoms continue for at least a month, not including the three or four weeks following the attack, or if the symptoms return weeks, months, sometimes even years after the initial attack and persist.
Again, that was not meant to be a complainant at all, and it didn't detract from your story in the slightest. This was a very powerful, very well crafted, and just all around amazing work.

"However, this is not a "rape" fic just for the sake of sensationalism. This is a recovery fic."
Yes. A thousand times yes.
I tried a few (read: many) times, myself, to write such a fic, and it took me three years to finally succeed. I don't know if it was my skills as a writer that were letting me down or if I just wasn't far enough along in my recovery, but what you've created here is something that I think I've always wanted to write myself, but wasn't able to. It was wonderful. So many fics like this that had potential were ruined when the author just used rape as a stepping stone for a pairing, and I'm glad that you didn't. The Chase/Cameron DID make sense, even though this story was never about the pairing in any way, shape, or form, regardless. You also kept it realistic by leaving Chase's attackers uncaught. It's a sad, but true, reality that, for many victims, for one reason or another, their attackers go free.
One tiny note, and this is not meant to be a complainant at all, but as an author I know that I like to be corrected when I make a mistake. You consistently referred to Chase's situation as having PTSD. That's incorrect; Chase had acute stress disorder, which is something almost all sexual assault victims experience in varying degrees- when, in the first few weeks after their attack, they experience symptoms that match those of PTSD. Acute stress disorder becomes PTSD when these symptoms continue for at least a month, not including the three or four weeks following the attack, or if the symptoms return weeks, months, sometimes even years after the initial attack and persist.
Again, that was not meant to be a complainant at all, and it didn't detract from your story in the slightest. This was a very powerful, very well crafted, and just all around amazing work.
12/5/2013 c42 Lesesucht
even though i realize you have published (and finished) this story over six years ago and this might actually never reach you but still i felt the need to tell you that this is in more than one respect the best fanfanfiction story i've ever read. Not only is your writing great from a stylistic point of view (which i consider important for my reading pleasure and which is certainly not a given in the genre of fan fiction) but you manage to capture the characters (as they were so beautifully concepted by the creators of the show) rather skillfully and you made me (a fan of the show) believe that this is how they all would react if they where actually put in that situation. I felt that you had a real understanding of them and not made them anything/anyone else as what we as the protagonists we (as the viewer) have come to love. I think that is a very difficult task to manage and you rose up the the challenge. Furthermore you approached the, without a doubt very sensitive subject of (male) rape, with the appropriate tact, seriousness and empathy without even once sensationalizing the matter (which is something that most tv series writers (even of great shows) do not always accomplish.
Anyways, what i these are my thoughts on your piece. Thank you for writing it, i enjoyed ever chapter!
p.s.: i apologize for the spelling/grammer mistakes (as it is true for many of us here, english is not my first language!) but i trust you will catch the drift/gist of what i tied to say. If not i could offer a translation in either german or latin if that gets you anywhere ;)
even though i realize you have published (and finished) this story over six years ago and this might actually never reach you but still i felt the need to tell you that this is in more than one respect the best fanfanfiction story i've ever read. Not only is your writing great from a stylistic point of view (which i consider important for my reading pleasure and which is certainly not a given in the genre of fan fiction) but you manage to capture the characters (as they were so beautifully concepted by the creators of the show) rather skillfully and you made me (a fan of the show) believe that this is how they all would react if they where actually put in that situation. I felt that you had a real understanding of them and not made them anything/anyone else as what we as the protagonists we (as the viewer) have come to love. I think that is a very difficult task to manage and you rose up the the challenge. Furthermore you approached the, without a doubt very sensitive subject of (male) rape, with the appropriate tact, seriousness and empathy without even once sensationalizing the matter (which is something that most tv series writers (even of great shows) do not always accomplish.
Anyways, what i these are my thoughts on your piece. Thank you for writing it, i enjoyed ever chapter!
p.s.: i apologize for the spelling/grammer mistakes (as it is true for many of us here, english is not my first language!) but i trust you will catch the drift/gist of what i tied to say. If not i could offer a translation in either german or latin if that gets you anywhere ;)
11/9/2013 c38 Guest
'BPD' is actually known as borderline personality disorder in the mental health world, not bipolar disorder, but otherwise I am really impressed by accurate this is. You've definitely taking care into making this as real a story as possible, and I appreciate that a lot.
'BPD' is actually known as borderline personality disorder in the mental health world, not bipolar disorder, but otherwise I am really impressed by accurate this is. You've definitely taking care into making this as real a story as possible, and I appreciate that a lot.
9/2/2013 c1
I just finished reading your storie.
I was wondering if you'd like to have a translation. I allready translated a few chapters, just for myself to read. It would be amazing if you gave me permission to upload it. I would of cours clarify that it's your work and I merely translated it.
I'd love to hear from you.
best regards GuardianofAsgard

I just finished reading your storie.
I was wondering if you'd like to have a translation. I allready translated a few chapters, just for myself to read. It would be amazing if you gave me permission to upload it. I would of cours clarify that it's your work and I merely translated it.
I'd love to hear from you.
best regards GuardianofAsgard
8/24/2012 c4 Guest
2/8/2012 c16 Meg
This story was amazing! I read the whole thing and it was wonderful(:
This story was amazing! I read the whole thing and it was wonderful(:
10/4/2011 c42 Oceandeep
Oh boy! Where to start? First off, what an amazing story. I've read plenty of fics on this site and never - ever cried before. You ripped my heart out. Your insight into the characters was so true to those of the show that I could actually hear them in my head. I felt every single emotion seeping off the page. I'm an avid House fan and can honestly say that the back story for chase was so well written, I can't watch the show now with out thinking that this is why Chase is always so stoic and quite. Well done. The end chapter was so beautiful. I'm SO very happy that you included the healing of his soul. I was wondering all the way through why he hadn't prayed or picked up his bible. ( because when Cameron and Forman went to this place for his things, they saw and took his bible. This indicated to me that he still read it, so I was surprised it was never mentioned again) and we know that Chase 'thinks' he's failed his test of faith and it's always been a question unanswered on the show. Yet we know that he hasn't lost his faith. Just lost his faith in the whole dogma of religion. Your explanation as to why that test was failed - drawing on his mother's death makes perfect sense. The part where House makes him Angry was so utterly powerful. I could here the scorn in houses words and I truly felt for Chase. I cried. I aslo cried at the moment in which Chase realizes that he wasn't alone...at the point of death. Just beautiful.
I just like to add one more thing. Am I right in believing this had had more a personal touch on you? I read in one of your foot notes [quote]" I have to admit I was hesitant to post this. The situation is so uncomfortable, but I really wanted to tell an authentic story and that includes the harsh reality that many of us who have been through this have an incredibly difficult time with intimacy" That you use the 'US'...If this is the case, my I say, what an incredibly brave and soul baring gift you've given all of us. I can't begin to imagine. A truly humble thank you.
I dearly hope that you would write and epilogue or even some sort of continuation. I have no problem with the Chase/Cameron plot - although I was, at more than one point, so annoyed at how stupid she could be...I'd like to see how they turn out.
Again,one of the best Fic's on the site. Well done. Indeed. *humble bow*
Oh boy! Where to start? First off, what an amazing story. I've read plenty of fics on this site and never - ever cried before. You ripped my heart out. Your insight into the characters was so true to those of the show that I could actually hear them in my head. I felt every single emotion seeping off the page. I'm an avid House fan and can honestly say that the back story for chase was so well written, I can't watch the show now with out thinking that this is why Chase is always so stoic and quite. Well done. The end chapter was so beautiful. I'm SO very happy that you included the healing of his soul. I was wondering all the way through why he hadn't prayed or picked up his bible. ( because when Cameron and Forman went to this place for his things, they saw and took his bible. This indicated to me that he still read it, so I was surprised it was never mentioned again) and we know that Chase 'thinks' he's failed his test of faith and it's always been a question unanswered on the show. Yet we know that he hasn't lost his faith. Just lost his faith in the whole dogma of religion. Your explanation as to why that test was failed - drawing on his mother's death makes perfect sense. The part where House makes him Angry was so utterly powerful. I could here the scorn in houses words and I truly felt for Chase. I cried. I aslo cried at the moment in which Chase realizes that he wasn't alone...at the point of death. Just beautiful.
I just like to add one more thing. Am I right in believing this had had more a personal touch on you? I read in one of your foot notes [quote]" I have to admit I was hesitant to post this. The situation is so uncomfortable, but I really wanted to tell an authentic story and that includes the harsh reality that many of us who have been through this have an incredibly difficult time with intimacy" That you use the 'US'...If this is the case, my I say, what an incredibly brave and soul baring gift you've given all of us. I can't begin to imagine. A truly humble thank you.
I dearly hope that you would write and epilogue or even some sort of continuation. I have no problem with the Chase/Cameron plot - although I was, at more than one point, so annoyed at how stupid she could be...I'd like to see how they turn out.
Again,one of the best Fic's on the site. Well done. Indeed. *humble bow*
8/7/2011 c42 MadamShinigami
I would love to see a sequel to this story maybe a criminal minds cross. I see the BAU getting involved maybe a year or so after the end of this because Joe and Dave are targeting men that look like Chase.
I would love to see a sequel to this story maybe a criminal minds cross. I see the BAU getting involved maybe a year or so after the end of this because Joe and Dave are targeting men that look like Chase.
2/3/2011 c15 wild-karde
you've given a realistic portrayal of a horrible reality. thank you for sharing this with us!
you've given a realistic portrayal of a horrible reality. thank you for sharing this with us!
1/27/2011 c42 twilightluvr001
Gah! I adore this story SO MUCH! I cannot believe I'm at the end already =(.
I cried so badly during the first few chapters. I even shed a few tears in this one. It was absolutely STUNNING to watch Chase learn, and grow, and be LOVED. I want to read the epi SO BAD! Please, post soon!
Gah! I adore this story SO MUCH! I cannot believe I'm at the end already =(.
I cried so badly during the first few chapters. I even shed a few tears in this one. It was absolutely STUNNING to watch Chase learn, and grow, and be LOVED. I want to read the epi SO BAD! Please, post soon!
10/1/2010 c42 stine
Thanks for writing this, it was interesting.
Thanks for writing this, it was interesting.
9/4/2010 c42 freddie
I was a bit hesitant about this, but ... WOW! I've never been in this position, but it strikes me that you've dealt with everything - rape and the entire healing process - quite well. You've shown how Chase was affected in all sorts of ways, how well-meaning people weren't as helpful as they intended, etc. You've also illustrated, quite well, how this has changed Chase in numerous ways. Perhaps more important, you've illustrated the difference between letting rape rule his life and working through the things that happened (perhaps the difference between a victim and a survivor?). One of my favorite scenes is when Chase confronts his demons in the clinic, and talks with House afterwards. The sense I got from this entire story is that House sees Chase as his heir-apparent (I giggled at Johnson's shock that Chase was staying with *House*!), perhaps the son he never had?
I was a bit hesitant about this, but ... WOW! I've never been in this position, but it strikes me that you've dealt with everything - rape and the entire healing process - quite well. You've shown how Chase was affected in all sorts of ways, how well-meaning people weren't as helpful as they intended, etc. You've also illustrated, quite well, how this has changed Chase in numerous ways. Perhaps more important, you've illustrated the difference between letting rape rule his life and working through the things that happened (perhaps the difference between a victim and a survivor?). One of my favorite scenes is when Chase confronts his demons in the clinic, and talks with House afterwards. The sense I got from this entire story is that House sees Chase as his heir-apparent (I giggled at Johnson's shock that Chase was staying with *House*!), perhaps the son he never had?
7/21/2010 c1 Anon
Dear Quack675,
I read four going forty n tot - there can be no ff better than it until I started "Silenced". I have to really give you my compliments - well written, gripping and the character analysis were spot on, I really like the helplessness of Chase, Foreman's dilemma and House's empathy.
Once again, I really appreciate your great work and look forward to more postings from you coz not only you start, you finish and complete with a bang!
Thank you!
Dear Quack675,
I read four going forty n tot - there can be no ff better than it until I started "Silenced". I have to really give you my compliments - well written, gripping and the character analysis were spot on, I really like the helplessness of Chase, Foreman's dilemma and House's empathy.
Once again, I really appreciate your great work and look forward to more postings from you coz not only you start, you finish and complete with a bang!
Thank you!