6/7/2010 c42 merlenhiver
Thank you so much for writing (and posting) this story. I've never seen a healing fic done with such attention to detail; it's a real treat. Thank you for taking us on this journey! Reading about other people healing always helps me heal a little inside, too, and you've done a great job making the story convincing and true.
The ending rounded up the healing process beautifully. I particularly enjoyed the issues Foreman had to deal with - his was a unique situation I had not encountered before in a fic. Foreman's session with Johnson is one of the strongest parts of your story to me. You really made me feel for the guy, and I don't even LIKE Foreman. :-)
This is one of those stories I'll be coming back to for sure!
Thank you so much for writing (and posting) this story. I've never seen a healing fic done with such attention to detail; it's a real treat. Thank you for taking us on this journey! Reading about other people healing always helps me heal a little inside, too, and you've done a great job making the story convincing and true.
The ending rounded up the healing process beautifully. I particularly enjoyed the issues Foreman had to deal with - his was a unique situation I had not encountered before in a fic. Foreman's session with Johnson is one of the strongest parts of your story to me. You really made me feel for the guy, and I don't even LIKE Foreman. :-)
This is one of those stories I'll be coming back to for sure!
5/17/2010 c42
3Cali Berry
This is not just one of the best House fanfics I've read, but one of the best fanfics I've read full stop. I've sat here and read it in a day!

This is not just one of the best House fanfics I've read, but one of the best fanfics I've read full stop. I've sat here and read it in a day!
4/20/2010 c42 CJ
I know you posted you this forever ago, but this was amazing. The descriptions of the characters emotions were so real, I felt what Chase and Foreman felt. It was truly gripping. LOVED IT!
I know you posted you this forever ago, but this was amazing. The descriptions of the characters emotions were so real, I felt what Chase and Foreman felt. It was truly gripping. LOVED IT!
12/11/2009 c41 Maara Annika
This is my first Chase/Cameron pairing I much better prefer slash stories and I found this fic only because I was looking for Chase/House fic
Anyway I don’t have nothing against this pairing I like Cameron she is nice and good woman
But one thing I don’t get it why she kissed Chase? Did she truly believed this time he will be ready?
This is my first Chase/Cameron pairing I much better prefer slash stories and I found this fic only because I was looking for Chase/House fic
Anyway I don’t have nothing against this pairing I like Cameron she is nice and good woman
But one thing I don’t get it why she kissed Chase? Did she truly believed this time he will be ready?
12/11/2009 c16 Maara Annika
I was thinking about Foreman I bet he feels awful. I feel sorry for him it was horrible for him too. He can’t do anything to help Chase and they made him help rape his colleague. I am not surprised that he can’t look at Chase.
I was thinking about Foreman I bet he feels awful. I feel sorry for him it was horrible for him too. He can’t do anything to help Chase and they made him help rape his colleague. I am not surprised that he can’t look at Chase.
12/11/2009 c14 Maara Annika
Cameron, guilty feeling Foreman, puzzle loving and in- House-way-caring House, friendly Wilson and Cuddy who manage balance to care about hospital and employee. Well done with OC too.
Reference of Hermione’s cat made me smile but moment with Wilson and cat in the bag make me laugh out loud.
Cameron, guilty feeling Foreman, puzzle loving and in- House-way-caring House, friendly Wilson and Cuddy who manage balance to care about hospital and employee. Well done with OC too.
Reference of Hermione’s cat made me smile but moment with Wilson and cat in the bag make me laugh out loud.
12/11/2009 c12 Maara Annika
Poor Chase...it is awful when attack victim believes it’s his or hers fault what happened or that he is been laughed of because of what happened. What truly revolting is that there are some people who think its victim’s fault what happened or found it funny
Poor Chase...it is awful when attack victim believes it’s his or hers fault what happened or that he is been laughed of because of what happened. What truly revolting is that there are some people who think its victim’s fault what happened or found it funny
12/11/2009 c11 Maara Annika
You have written this very well. Thank you
I like how you managed put some humour in this story to lighten mood
His penmanship was such that the reader had to figure out the message based on the identifiable letters, which were only about half of the total. Fortunately for Cuddy, she had years of experience deciphering doctor code.
You have written this very well. Thank you
I like how you managed put some humour in this story to lighten mood
His penmanship was such that the reader had to figure out the message based on the identifiable letters, which were only about half of the total. Fortunately for Cuddy, she had years of experience deciphering doctor code.
12/11/2009 c10 Maara Annika
When I was reading bathroom scene where Chase was afraid of House...I stopped to read for few seconds...it was too heartbreaking...last time when I needed a little brake for reading to calm myself it was from book Child called it
20 hours of research? But it is worth it I think this story is unbelievable good
Excellent chapter
When I was reading bathroom scene where Chase was afraid of House...I stopped to read for few seconds...it was too heartbreaking...last time when I needed a little brake for reading to calm myself it was from book Child called it
20 hours of research? But it is worth it I think this story is unbelievable good
Excellent chapter
12/11/2009 c7 Maara Annika
This story is painfully to read. And also one of the best fanfic what I have read
I have read rape fanfics before but only My hero and The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' were in my opinion well written stories both of them are from Harry Potter universe
These two fanfic are one of my favourite I am happy that I have found your fic which I began to love
This story is painfully to read. And also one of the best fanfic what I have read
I have read rape fanfics before but only My hero and The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' were in my opinion well written stories both of them are from Harry Potter universe
These two fanfic are one of my favourite I am happy that I have found your fic which I began to love
11/2/2009 c37 Roconchet
I liked this chapter too. :D
I liked this chapter too. :D
11/1/2009 c12 Kuyugen
“Everyone who meets Foreman threatens to kill him eventually,” House shrugged. “I’ve threatened him at least sixteen times.”
I loved this from that statement on. I mean, I really liked it before, but after that it stepped on the tentative threshold of adoration.
Plus, anyone who researches for 20 hours to write one chapter detailing throat injuries deserves to be respected.
“Everyone who meets Foreman threatens to kill him eventually,” House shrugged. “I’ve threatened him at least sixteen times.”
I loved this from that statement on. I mean, I really liked it before, but after that it stepped on the tentative threshold of adoration.
Plus, anyone who researches for 20 hours to write one chapter detailing throat injuries deserves to be respected.
10/28/2009 c33 Visitkarte
...and I loved every bit of it. By the way, I love the whole story, I think it's extremely well written and very insightful. I love it that even in this extreme setting every character seems very in character. Thank you for writing and sharing, I enjoy every bit of it.
...and I loved every bit of it. By the way, I love the whole story, I think it's extremely well written and very insightful. I love it that even in this extreme setting every character seems very in character. Thank you for writing and sharing, I enjoy every bit of it.