Just In
for Silenced

9/22/2009 c19 kaimorea
"House Trained" LOL Love it!
9/21/2009 c1 kaimorea
You handle the issues really well in this story. And very bravely put into words what some survivors can't say. Great job. And no I'm not crying...thats just water coming out of my face.
8/31/2009 c42 8Majestik Moose
Oh hai. I told you I would review. :)

(It's neverworld1 from LJ)


GREAT fic! The very first one I found that was well-written and with enough Changst to keep me happy. (That's awfully morbid.)


It was a bit of a long read, but so damn worth it.

I lovelovelove this always and forever. :]
8/14/2009 c21 aussielady

just on chapter 21

chase wouldn't have sat both the UMAT and GAMSAT. the UMAT is sat to get into undergraduate medicine straight from highschool, the GAMSAT used for graduate (american-style) entry. if you did well in UMAT and got accepted, you don't need to do the GAMSAT.

apart from that, the story's great. very informational but still keeps emotion.


7/15/2009 c42 6Welcome To My Head
I realize it's probably been a while since you've received any review on this your story but figured I'd drop one of anyway.

I've been completely enthralled by your story. It is a brilliant piece especially because you focus on the character development of (primarily) Chase.

Many stories on this side tend to just elegantly skip the emotional turmoil a person is presented with when dealing with such an uprooting event as rape is; be it the victim, a witness or a close acquaintance/friend.

Also in themes such as suicide or other types of violent bereavement the emotional side is too often disregarded completely and cynically mentioned as if s/he the person portrays had merely lost an ipod, however treasured the device was.

Seeing a story that turned this neglected facet to the grievous event into the theme the story evolved around was... well refreshing seems like the wrong word to use but definitely admirable and consoling in a sense.

I suppose the recent death of a close friend makes me focus more on the meddle of emotions friends and family go through after a death (in your story: of Chase's mother) or other destructive happenings (as the rape he is dealing with).

It's difficult to explain but there just is something about your story for all the depression and sadness and frail hope of moving past such an experience.

You made several points that everyone could learn from and maybe hold close and remember should they be in the unfortunate situation as Chase, Foreman, Cameron etc. have found themselves in.

Reading your story was definitely an experience and not one lightly forgotten. It gets you thinking be it of the good or bad in the world. And that is the sign of a true author.

Very well done.
7/7/2009 c42 30romirola
Just got caught up! Great story! Is a sequel in the making, or is this to be the end?
6/10/2009 c42 10Amity Bell
It's a journey I'm glad I traveled. This story means so much to me...It took me ages to finish it, I kept having to stop. It's so real, and speaks right to me. ; ; I'm so happy at this point about what you've written that I'm crying and tingling and I'm so relieved. I don't know what more to say; thank you. I'll never forget what you've written.
3/2/2009 c42 1gaap237
Amazing story. Chase is a very intriguing character. I really wish he had more screen time. I'll be reading more of your work. You sure are a fantastic writer.
3/1/2009 c42 1Behnjiinohs
I'm new to House, I've only been into it for a couple of weeks, but already being a fan fiction reader I just HAD to have a look to see if there were any decent House stories out there. It took a while (there are some AWFUL ones out there) but I found this. Usually I'm intimidated by long stories (it's a long time to be staring at a screen), but for some reason I decided to give this one a chance. I'm so very glad I did.

The way you dealt with the subject matter was incredible (don't take me the wrong way the subject matter itself is the furthest thing from incredible) but you handled it in such a way that had me despairing with Chase, crying with Chase, laughing with Chase but most of all finding hope with Chase. I'm not religious, and I haven't been through anything like what Chase has but to me you made it much more than some random fan fiction that I will forget as soon as the computer turns off. You brought the story alive and I just want to thank you.

I hope that when you wrote this it gave you as much hope, for a brighter future, for light at the end of the tunnel as it did me.

It has been a joy to read. Thank you for letting me take the journey with you.

2/8/2009 c42 SlutForLiterature
Sigh. After the trillionth reread of your story, I'm still flabbergasted. Please give us more Chase Angst, please.

My sincere compliments to the story and your qualities as an author,
1/24/2009 c42 8mamorel
have you posted an epilogueor sequel yet? if so please let me know the title. it was an great journey to be on. you did an amazing job, and i think that the closure that chase found was inspiring.
1/23/2009 c33 mamorel
i think this chapter made me realize why i like house's character so much. he puts himself on the line for people and they still think he doesn't care. it's like being santa clause on christmas and the mad hatter the rest of the year.
1/23/2009 c31 mamorel
i have to say kudos to you. especially with the way you developed the readers opinion of foreman. you had me thinking what arse, when in reality he was really hurting. it wasn't obvious until you stated it directly and that takes real talent.
1/23/2009 c24 mamorel
i'm not reviewing after every chapter because i don't want to clutter your inbox, but this chapter was amazing. especially the way you switched back and forth between chase and cameron's views. i think it was a great route to go, and it is exactly the stupid type of thing that cameron would do. she is a fizer, but sometimes she doesn't realize that she doesn't have the tools. great chapter i will continue with interest.
1/22/2009 c16 mamorel
okay, wow...i've just read 16 chapters in one sitting and i still want to read more. curse work for making me have to get up early. believe me i would have commented wonderfully on every chapter all the way to this one but i didn't want to pause to write. i love how you stay true to the characters and their flaws. you really get into the perspective of chase's mind and i think you are doing a really great job. i will be back on tomorrow to read as much more as i can before i have to get some sleep.
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