Just In
for Silenced

12/2/2006 c2 4mcoiex
PLEASE UPDATE SOON I can't wait more to know what's happening!
12/1/2006 c2 benagail24
it's a sad but great story i can't wait to read more hope chase is going to be alright and not hurt to bad
12/1/2006 c2 Green Penguin
oh, damn! what a situation to put these two in. poor chase, and its interesting to see foreman in a really big role (don't read about him too often)

keep it up. i really wanna see what's gonna happen next and if somebody's gonna show up and end this torture. damn. can't wait.
11/30/2006 c2 3CrAzYDuKeDoGgIrL2009
omg. please update soon!
11/30/2006 c2 DeadAccountLiz
Nice work. Very interesting plot twists and such. I'd like to see where this is going. :)
11/30/2006 c2 NoNAMEohmygod
this is my favorite story so far.
11/30/2006 c2 3Mild Peril
I like it. You avoid just enough of the details to make it not too disturbing but include just enough to make it real.
11/30/2006 c2 13MercilessTantalus
We always seem to love abusing our favorite characters the most, hm? With that said, of course it was a fantastic chapter. I absolutely adore the entire story and how it is thusly written. Chase really is just too entirely pretty.

I adore it!

Can't wait for more!
11/30/2006 c2 24Firetop
I like the idea of this story. My only problem is the lack of detail. I am able to tell what happens, but I'm looking for a little more detail. But otherwise, the premis is good. I look forward to reading more.
11/30/2006 c2 12chase88
poor chase. Please update!
11/29/2006 c2 31Goddess Of Heather
Okay. So if I really like an author's story I go to their profile page and check out their favs, 'cause if I like what they write I'll probably like what they read. Well imagine my suprise when it's my story and my name in the authors list! What a compliment! I really enjoyed the Puzzel of Chase and I'm looking forward to more of Chase's Sacrifice. Keep it up!
11/29/2006 c2 3boboskiwatin
I have been brainstorming an idea so similar to this and I'm unbelievably grateful you did too cause I love reading way more than writing and this fic is everything I hoped for!
11/29/2006 c1 closedaccount1000
~~ I saw it on MASH once-didn’t know it could actually be done outside of TV medical dramas. ~~

Haha, and the irony in the fact that House is a medical Drama is priceless. I'm very much enjoying this so far.
11/29/2006 c2 5X5-494
OMG! Thats all I can say! It was AWESOME! Please update really really really soon! This story is spectacular!.
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