Just In
for Fool Lystar

12/21/2008 c12 25Miz636
Oh My God! I loved this story! I just read it today (So don't blame me for not reviewing) and it is excellent!
12/10/2008 c12 transcendent travesty
This was really good!

I'm off to read the other one now...

10/5/2008 c12 3wintersmoon39647
OH! I loved it! It was absolutely wonderful. Now, I'm off to start the other one. -grin-
10/5/2008 c4 wintersmoon39647
It just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to figure it out.
10/5/2008 c1 wintersmoon39647
9/29/2008 c12 3Fremma
I liked this a lot - your writing style is lovely to read.
9/4/2008 c1 17OnyxDrake
Oh, how utterly delightful! I don't know why I didn't go back to take a look at some of your earlier work before. Yup, non-canon but so well-realised it's believable.
8/30/2008 c12 Pathseekerme
This is a great little story! I foresee a wonderful life ahead of you as a author, and I want to be the very first one to read ALL of your books!
6/24/2008 c12 GinnyStar
I have read of many Wyerling Master with one eye. or helping out the Wyerling Master. :) Great Story
6/24/2008 c11 GinnyStar
Your story is good.
6/24/2008 c10 GinnyStar
That gal found her blance point. The moons part was good too.
6/24/2008 c9 GinnyStar
Here is where the two become friends, or should I say three and th dragons too. Good Story.
6/24/2008 c8 GinnyStar
Going from Ista to where they are hide-cave is Well I know Benden and Fort Wyer are 6 hours apart. I hope that helps. Good story.
6/24/2008 c7 GinnyStar
I do know if you still need the information on the two moons of Pern or not. Belior is the larger of the two, it has the orbit slower than Timor which is smaller about the size of our moon, closer to Pern with a faster orbit. For the image between.The only thing is spacing is so your rider does not get it for be to close to one self. Good story. I hope it helps.
6/24/2008 c6 GinnyStar
So far so good. Its taking me a lot long to read each chapter for my my computer and internet has be slow. Having bad people muck this up is a good idea.
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