Just In
for A Wish Come True

10/13/2008 c1 5Miki Fubuki
i want it longer...But it's fine since it's nice.
5/27/2008 c1 14Anthoinette
Ken beyblade niet, en heb geen idee hoe de characters in elkaar zitten maar het plot was ontzettend snoezig! X3 Loved it en was heel goed geschreven!
12/2/2006 c1 17Destiny Kitty
cute, short and swet

well, at the end anyway

poor girl, but I think Kai was going through a good deal of hurt too
12/2/2006 c1 kainaat
really tht was so swet

nice story
12/1/2006 c1 5lady luck 170
I really love thiss story and it made me cry when I imagined myself in her position really good story hope you make another one soon:D

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