10/17/2007 c1 4Raining Sunshine
Mwahhahahahha, of course this is oringal! Thankies...I'm bck now, well I was lazy...AND I KNOW IT! I will try harder and harder to update, but u hv to understand, it's hard 4 me...I have milions ideas going thou my head every second! LOL hard to remember them.. thankies anyway^^
Mwahhahahahha, of course this is oringal! Thankies...I'm bck now, well I was lazy...AND I KNOW IT! I will try harder and harder to update, but u hv to understand, it's hard 4 me...I have milions ideas going thou my head every second! LOL hard to remember them.. thankies anyway^^
9/22/2007 c8 AoyagicestHime
Wow O_O this sure is.. original.. i quite like it... you portrated seimei as a normal guy and still related to ritsuka to.
even wehn it mention's seimei having a GF i dident flinch, XD awsoem job keep it up.
Wow O_O this sure is.. original.. i quite like it... you portrated seimei as a normal guy and still related to ritsuka to.
even wehn it mention's seimei having a GF i dident flinch, XD awsoem job keep it up.
12/7/2006 c1 apple and cinnamon
1st reviewer! i read this once.. but i was lazy so i didnt review srry! cute storY!
1st reviewer! i read this once.. but i was lazy so i didnt review srry! cute storY!