Just In
for Fall to Pieces

12/28/2009 c2 deathwolfkitten
this is the first and only story that makes me cry. I love it. It is just so sad! this is one of my favorite stories.
12/17/2007 c2 7Amayada
so what happens next?...what would Al, Winry, & the rest of the gang do? What their reactions will be?...Is this the end?...are they going to be recarnated & be able to love each other in the future?...nice story by the way...really hope that you will update soon...I can't wait to see what happens
10/25/2007 c2 Deletedaccountk
Oh boy.. I absolutely love Roy's POV. I'm o glad you included it because I felt that this fic was missing Roy's POV. I swear though, I thought Roy truly didn't like him in the first chapter. I'm glad you cleared things up. Thanks for the wonderfully angstful fanfiction.
6/3/2007 c2 52YinYangWhiteTiger
ur very wrong...
5/19/2007 c2 3supernatural-Fma-junkie15
I am crying so hard it is no joke. I sometimes couldn't even read the story because my vision was to blurry. This is so sad i could feel myself in their positions and it made me so sad. I really liked the story. I have been crying for ten minutes and i can't stop. I never in real life want to go through this.

Thx for the story really good writing.
5/19/2007 c2 0213569
It made me cry, but this is a really good story!
5/11/2007 c1 6Keltheras
I'm sorry if I offended you, I really like your story, and just so you know, I have a really bad way with writing what I'm really thinking, and that review that you wrote about my other story, I guess I deserved that...Well, if that doesn't say how stupid I was being, I was drunk that night...Well bye
5/10/2007 c2 21loser in the gutter
*blank stare*

OMFG YOU KILLER. no, jkjk. but... ed and... both...

damn good writers and their endings.

death.hmm... okie dokie. i can deal... i think.
5/9/2007 c2 katie
so, that's the ending? what the crap! that's frickin awful! :P well, glad to here they're still alive in your other fic.
5/9/2007 c2 6Keltheras
number one, a question...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!

no offence.

number two, another question, WHO ARE YOU GOING TO KILL NEXT? AL?WINRY?WHO!

plz return this:)
5/9/2007 c2 9MARYLOVER
Too sad, almost made me cry, WHAT A STORY!

Well waiting for the epilogue then... hope it won't take too long.
12/21/2006 c1 21loser in the gutter
aw! i may just cry now... yip, there goes a tear.
12/16/2006 c1 Riker15
Awesome, u should add more chapters to this story sometime
12/16/2006 c1 7Vampiress-Enchanted
I loved this story. It made me cry. But I love it
12/10/2006 c1 Deletedaccountk
my goodness. So beautiful. You can really express deeply over a person's depression, and I find it lovely. ^^ (Is an angst/death freak.. lawl.)

I understand how you write too. In my depressed moods, I love to write, because then I get so descriptive and emotional, like you've shown here.
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