Just In
for Forever Bound, Forever Friends

5/23/2017 c1 1Syra Nyth
I loved this, thank you very much!
12/13/2016 c1 3Bronkwin2
I love this
7/19/2014 c1 geekzgalore
I liked it!
11/25/2013 c1 Nelleke
Very good, absolutely loved it.
1/13/2013 c1 2slayer99
wow that was brilliant. really powerful, i'm glad you didn't say who was talking just makes it better somehow. really good
11/5/2012 c1 25WeasleyGrangerPotter
I loved this and the whole idea of Gryffindor only noticing suits them really well. I love the trio, which may be obvious considering my name ;p, but this fic was great and described their bonds perfectly.
10/21/2012 c1 8whatweareafreaidof
really good, show that the trio are only kids
10/11/2012 c1 Guest
Perfect description of the trio
8/28/2012 c1 L
Excellent... excellent, it just needs that little something called strengh, it's a slightly weak story and maybe you could add another chapter about the final year? Hope all goes well,
8/8/2012 c1 Synchro lover
that honestly makes me want to cryy! soooo goood:')
5/19/2012 c1 Ramen God
This is really good, especially for a first story. Poor Harry, Ron, and Hermione! So sad... I almost cried.
12/13/2011 c1 43Allons-y Lovelies
This is a really good story. Who is saying all of this? Which character?
9/28/2011 c1 EventingRules
Great decriptions! Very Heartwarming!
7/22/2011 c1 3TheLonesomeMonster
5/3/2011 c1 5Marauder Mistress
I loved it!

Congratulations on writing such a brilliant and heart-warming story! :)

Mistress Melanie - Mord'Sith.
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