Just In
for For Your Eyes Only

7/25/2015 c2 Lynn
Like, you can get jailed for 15 years for assault and stuff. Since your hair is a part of your body.
7/25/2015 c2 Lynn
Ya know, it's technically harassment when you cut off someone's hair without their permission.
3/1/2013 c4 10princessyuki08
Awesome chapter. Haha my birthday is close to Yukiya's.
7/15/2010 c2 Guest
I love your story so far! :D

5/19/2010 c25 Scriptor's Anonymous
Awesome story, other than several grammatical errors. But besides have well constructed OCs, and I hope to hear more about them.


No Ordinary Girl
3/22/2010 c26 5Aurora-16
good story. i liked the drama in it ^-^ now...ONTO THE SEQUEL!
6/24/2009 c25 5I Don't Know Me Or You
LoL! she called him a baboon! Great job! ^_^
4/19/2009 c26 dreamwithmealways
YAY!i love this story cant wait to see the sequel..
1/15/2009 c10 Alice in WWW
(Couldn't get any further than this)Dumbest story ever. The canon characters are so OOC that it hurt(if you can't the canon characters IC, then there's no reason for you to be in the fandom in question). The plot is paper thin. Maybe if I'd been younger then I might had enjoyed this and submitted reviews with brainless things like 'amazing stori!luff it!11XD'. But I'm not, and you suck. You have no talent in writing at all. Your writing style makes me think that you're actually a drunk 8 year-old. The original characters are not well-written either but I could tolerate them.
11/23/2008 c25 5neko-koo
UMM Yeah, ... I liked the story... UMM.. Shit! I'm turning i nto Deidara!


Somewhere in Naruto.,..

"WHO the HELL just calle dmy name, un?"
10/7/2008 c9 1attack-on-tina
I know I'm kind of late in the review and stuff, but I just had to say something:


Now that that is done, sankyuu.

10/4/2008 c3 3TheWinchesterAngel

What? But this place is not completed yet. That would be suicidal. Something bad might happen, and can someone please stop the suspense music?” Yukiya yelled.

“Ceh, we just want to play some music,” some random band replied.

“Play somewhere else then! Anyway, back to the subject. Story cut short, it’s dangerous!”

8/24/2008 c2 cattyliu816
THEY CUT HER HAIR! I would hurt a guy for trying to do that (although i might get beat up in the process)
8/9/2008 c9 9goldykat
...*explodes into giggles*
7/23/2008 c16 10The-baby-Sparrow
Oh man! I love this story! and I absolutely adored Mori's perspective! IT was amazing! XD Love it!
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