Just In
for Second First Kiss

10/20/2018 c1 1AnimeLover729
So cute! Love it! :)
8/24/2012 c1 101WriterFreak001
I read this like five years ago and every time I reread it, I love it even more ! :)
11/7/2010 c1 ninadizz
so cute! *squeal*
3/23/2010 c1 thisaccountisgoneforeverbye
Cute. A well written Edwin. *favs*
11/28/2008 c1 Citycept
I don't think it's possible to have a second second first kiss, but oh well, it makes for a cool last line. HeHe
8/9/2008 c1 6WizKid94
aww supper kawaii edwin fic. :) keep up the good work!
7/28/2008 c1 PropehcyGirlSBN
I loved it! So cute and fluffy...
7/11/2007 c1 1garrettignasia

not too much violence, a softer side to ed, a realistic hopeless romantic winry...

6/24/2007 c1 1DreamingIris
Aww... nice fic!
5/22/2007 c1 KatieB19
i thout it was really good! that dude is luky win is a good girl! i would of let ed kill him if it where me! =)
3/5/2007 c1 rain sanctuary
love it!

please - write some more stories like this one !if they would be longer - i'll be very happy.
2/7/2007 c1 22Castoro Chiaro
My God, I loved this one too! Not many people can manage EdWin while remaining in character, but you do it with such ease. This is so how I would imagine it happen in the show.

Excellent work. Please update Reveries soon!
1/27/2007 c1 23Causmicfire
Good job, I really like it!
1/7/2007 c1 9Threedaysunrise
Your story sounded as if it was rushed and was a little obvious. The whole idea/theme was cute enough, but try taking it a little slower. Write as the idea comes to you, there's no need to post up a new story just to keep your viewers appeased. If anything, waiting for a thoughtfully-written makes the wait worth it.

Don't let me keep you from writing just because of my constructive crit. Then you would be giving up too easily.

Keep up the writing!

1/3/2007 c1 SG1 FMA DC
I read your story many times! I love it a lot! ^^
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