Just In
for A Whole New World

4/13 c37 realfan16
well I'm glad to know this is completed and what a teaser roght there at end, any way kudos for this wonderful adventure, took me 3d
4/13 c36 realfan16
lol all that drama for this moment tho i think it unfair to have wand magic disappear like this
2/28 c2 fridgeraiderz
Well a Phoenix totally didn't see that coming what a stupid animal to choose for this fic honestly a bear or a boar would of been better
1/28 c37 6Mando-Vet
Wonderful story. Well done, mate.
1/28 c5 Mando-Vet
How TF did Harry suddenly become old?
8/28/2023 c1 The demon sage
hidden slash, I really would appreciate more warning
8/16/2023 c10 Blue-Happens
some of the best lotr stories on this site are pairings with legolas, but it does wear a bit on, seeing the relationship explored nigh identically between many different fics
7/15/2023 c37 1jiromanawari
boring as fuck
4/4/2023 c37 Lexakitty8656
Beautifully written! I loved every chapter! Thank you for taking your time to write this!
3/13/2023 c1 Nightstalker100
Really happy you persevered and finish the story it’s quite lovely. Thank you for your hard effort. a wonderful read.
3/11/2023 c37 8LadyGrimR
Oh my goodness where has this gem been hiding!
3/4/2023 c37 saddlerider5lucas
2/27/2023 c37 Hadrian Sawyer
I VERY MUCH love this fic! It was so fucking good AAAAAAAAHHHH
12/6/2022 c5 Poplar4073
I can't say I like this. Why is he old? And frankly it's just ridiculous for him to totally abandon him humanity for grief.
12/6/2022 c3 Poplar4073
This does not seem anything like Harry. Besides, abandoning his humanity just to avoid grief? What? Besides, why not just go as Lothlorien for the wand. Or really just go to any civilization. Abandoning everything and staying cooped up in forest alone just seem pretty ridiculous.
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