Just In
for You're Beautiful To Me Arya

4/30/2008 c1 5baby rose hip
that was really beautiful!

loved it!
3/30/2008 c1 Jinke
Love this story :)
2/19/2008 c1 4aloserinthebackofthemathclass
I like this. Really good. Just thought I'd check out your work. (Don't spit your drink out this time. Ready for it?)
11/6/2007 c1 DrawMeTomorrow
O! My mom loves that song (LOL! Kinda embarressing for her to sing it in front of my frinds) Good start!
10/4/2007 c1 Total Ditcher
HAH! I loved this one too! You have seriouse talent, and maybe you should think about writting a STORY! I would read it; That I can promise.



8/21/2007 c1 14The Sun Also Rises
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for someone to do an Eragon/Arya fic set to You're Beautiful! I would love it if you wrote more Eragon/Arya scenes!
8/11/2007 c1 1pickle99me
love it to death! i really think that that song fits your type of writing!
8/9/2007 c1 2Blue-Eyed Chica
OMG THAT WAS AWSOME! lol i didnt no i could review 2 my own story...
4/10/2007 c1 MythicalCreature
AW! Cute! I luv it.. and your first one too (that i have read) I'm really lookin forward to another one of your stories.

May your swords stay sharp,

3/3/2007 c1 18crossbear
now that was good
2/4/2007 c1 42MustardGal
That was very sweet ^_^ nice job!
1/15/2007 c1 29alsdssg
Aw. Cute.

Eragon wants Arya.

Eragon needs Arya.

Eragon loves Arya.

Crazy obsessed much?

LOL. This was good. I like how he feels for her. I'm not a huge fan of that pairing, but you pulled of the unrecquainted love part well.
1/15/2007 c1 6unknown A
i liked it think you should update soon as possible i found 1 spelling error though but it was BRILLIANT!

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