Just In
for Branching Out

1/20/2011 c7 DayDreamer077
very cute. aww!
2/6/2008 c2 Nadrek
Nicely done accidental revelation.
2/6/2008 c1 Nadrek
PPTH is about to become very confusing.

'Dr. House?" Answered in triplicate. Cuddy will have nightmares figuring out which one of them did what.
12/17/2007 c7 20Savior Emma Swan
Very cute. I have only one complaint, no matter how intelligent those babies are, they would be unable to feed themselves at 6 months. Their motor skills just aren't that developed. Oh well, off to read part three.
12/17/2007 c6 Savior Emma Swan
No! Everything was so perfect! Well, I guess it was too good to be true.
12/17/2007 c5 Savior Emma Swan
27 hours? Dear God, poor Cameron! Otherwise good though.
12/17/2007 c4 Savior Emma Swan
Woah! Twins! It's been done before, but I look forward to seeing how you pull it off. Just one question though, how did Amy see the other baby when two trained, experienced doctors couldn't? Also, Allison would know if it was possible to tell the sex of the baby at 16 weeks, as would Greg. Again, they are both doctors. One last thing, how did Amy know how to work the ultrasound machine?
12/17/2007 c3 Savior Emma Swan
Aw...that was cute! Just one thing, with his leg, House wouldn't be able to spin Cameron around. Nothing huge, just a detail a noticed.
12/17/2007 c2 Savior Emma Swan
Alright then, I get how you're going to do this. Present then past. Good tactic, however slightly misleading. I still would have liked to hear a bit more about their relationship and the actual proposal, but that was good.
12/17/2007 c1 Savior Emma Swan
I would have liked to read about their relationship, the proposal, and the wedding, but I guess I'll enjoy this approach as well. Just be careful that you don't rush it too much. I can't wait to read about Allison's pregnancy, yes, it's that obvious, which I'm sure you intended it to be.
2/19/2007 c7 2Bglswrth454
Evil Woman... Another Great story. And now I sit at my computer debating whether or not to read more instead of going to bed. Even though I need to get up in 6 hours. Evil Evil Woman.
1/24/2007 c7 19This-Family-Affair
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please write another part! :-D
1/24/2007 c7 saz89
Brilliant - definately hope you do part three - will be looking out for it :o)

I really love these !

1/24/2007 c7 AllyCameron
It's so cute! I'd love to read more!
1/24/2007 c7 34mikesh
Good keep up the work.
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