12/18/2017 c1 Guest
This was really something else. Totally awesome story. XD I was laughing for a long while.
This was really something else. Totally awesome story. XD I was laughing for a long while.
2/4/2016 c1 4tumna.falls
The ending was perfect! And Obi-Wan would definitely put himself into a sleeping trance to avoid an annoying situation.
The ending was perfect! And Obi-Wan would definitely put himself into a sleeping trance to avoid an annoying situation.
6/21/2015 c1 7UmbriFiica
Bwahahahahaa! Muffins for the muffin! Couldn't stop laughing. Excellent, excellent. I love how well you've captured both of their voices in this.
Bwahahahahaa! Muffins for the muffin! Couldn't stop laughing. Excellent, excellent. I love how well you've captured both of their voices in this.
2/6/2013 c1 Sewer Rat in Tuxedo
"...a science fiction novel he'd been meaning to read..." I loled at that one! x'D What could be more science fictional than their own lives? :DD And the "Muffin"! Hilarious! Loved it! x'D
"...a science fiction novel he'd been meaning to read..." I loled at that one! x'D What could be more science fictional than their own lives? :DD And the "Muffin"! Hilarious! Loved it! x'D
3/7/2011 c1 4Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester
Muffin is such a funny name for Obi, I love this story!
Qui-Gon is really well portrayed here too
Muffin is such a funny name for Obi, I love this story!
Qui-Gon is really well portrayed here too
4/5/2010 c1 The Woods Witch
Yay! Only minor angst for our Obi-wan this time. He really shouldn't be so surprised, he is rather a studmuffin. And I loved the image of Qui-gon giggling. :-)
Yay! Only minor angst for our Obi-wan this time. He really shouldn't be so surprised, he is rather a studmuffin. And I loved the image of Qui-gon giggling. :-)
2/28/2009 c1 47Nelarun
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hilarious! I thought it brilliant! I really did!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hilarious! I thought it brilliant! I really did!
8/16/2008 c1 gone5eva
Aww...poor Obi-Wan! I really like fanfics where he gets sunburned. I loved the ending.
Aww...poor Obi-Wan! I really like fanfics where he gets sunburned. I loved the ending.