Just In
for Of Broken Blood

1/27/2012 c1 4Mari Roza
Hey i was just wondering what happened to the rest of the story this was great so far and i loved the plot so far

are you going to be updating it soon?

or have you stopped completely?
11/18/2007 c7 11Em Phantom
i think i've been waiting for a new chapter for a while. I can't wait till you update!

4/29/2007 c7 12Out-Of-Control-Authoress
Very good I must say, I do hope you continue further, Everything is pulling together and making sense
4/20/2007 c7 18Horselvr4evr123
Whoop! XD
4/19/2007 c7 31FantomoDrako
Yay! And my sympathies for you. Error messages are a pain! but that was beyond awesome! But now I'm left hanging...again! Please update again soon!
4/17/2007 c7 49Quick-Demon
I love this story! Its well written and exciting! I can't wait for the next chapter!
4/17/2007 c7 6Dpbuckeye
Yeah Danny beat Vlad go DAnny!
4/17/2007 c7 4Tempest86
Very nice chapter. Very nice.
4/16/2007 c7 2DeathBright
WOW! I've been waching Bleach and this is alot like it, in a good way! I love this chapter and I hope there is more to love. Later!
4/16/2007 c7 649KelseyAlicia
4/13/2007 c6 31FantomoDrako
Woo you updated! -squees in joy- Yay! Don't worry about the length, just please make sure to update very soon, like you said. But now I will wonder what his parents will say and do! -moans- please don't keep me wondering too long, kay?
4/11/2007 c6 6Dpbuckeye
I LOVE THIS STORY i really do need more.
4/10/2007 c6 2DeathBright
kinda small? That's saying it nisly. 2 days? That means now it's one! WE!
4/10/2007 c6 4Tempest86
Very nice! Please update soon.
4/9/2007 c6 13bluename
OH NO cliffy end! an evil clif!

I wonder, are they parents suspecting about the conversation already? I HOPE NOT!

hey I liked this chp :D I will write more but I have to do hw XDD have a nice day ;)

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