Just In
for It's the Little Things

7/21/2011 c13 14Cookie05
Aww sweet

I feel sorry for him
7/19/2011 c6 26Fastern
Normally I'm not a Harry Potter fan (after all the hype about it, it got a little bit tiring), but when I saw the summary for this I had to take a quick peak, and I am RELIEVED that I finally found a story on this site that is a decent read.

I really, really like how you approached the characters and explored their relationships with each other and how they responded to distinctive events in their lives. It`s refreshing to see a light-hearted, easy-to-read fic lacking in all the heavy angst that is so very popular.

One thing I especially admired about your story is that you were able to include George, post-Battle of Hogwarts, not angsting or even mentioning the death of his twin. To see him joking post-series in a fanfiction is...well, I can`t describe how refreshing that is. To be honest I`m getting tired of this `suicidal-angsty-George-who-never-got-over-his-twin`s-death` fanfiction. (I hope I`m conveying my feelings on this correctly.) BUT I DIGRESS -

My only crits revolve around the arrangement of some of the dialogue. I notice that you often describe the character`s actions first, and then put in the dialogue after. (e.g. Hermione spoke up. "But it doesn't have to be like this. There are other things they can try.")

Personally I`ve always found this extremely annoying. I`d prefer something that sounds more like: "But it doesn't have to be like this`,`said Hermoione, `` There are other things they can try."

f cbhjmnknjkmjnkb bf cx STUPUD KEYVBARD - sorry, my keys got stuck there for a minute. I bet if I was a wizard I could magic the keyboard into working. But I digress -

I also see that yoĆ¹`re fond of describing the characters` each and every movement, which you don`t always have to do.

That`s all I have to say right now, but all in all, this was a good read and it`s certainly going straight into my favourites.

Peace - Ms. Brown
7/19/2011 c13 1TeddyandVictorie
Great chapter! I can honestly say I have never read anything like it before! And thats a good thing lol
7/18/2011 c12 14Cookie05
Awww sweet

well most of them are sweet

but I cried when I read the ones where Arthur dies

and Percy leaves

so discriptive

In my favs
7/18/2011 c6 Everything Has Changed
Noooo! They're dead.. dead...
7/10/2011 c11 1TeddyandVictorie
Yay! Mr Weasley got his lifes wish lol!
7/10/2011 c11 8Shaley-Humdinger-the-3rd
YAY! Mr. Weasley finally found out how they work!
7/4/2011 c10 9Blairx6661
This is really great so far, I look forward to whatever comes next :)

6/22/2011 c10 59Alcoholic Semen Thrower
beautifully written! i absolutely loved it! you showed the emotion beautifully! you also have the characters perfectly charactered! favorite chapter so far!
6/16/2011 c9 Alcoholic Semen Thrower
this chapter is absolutely adorable! can't wait for more! (:
6/14/2011 c8 1TeddyandVictorie
Great story and this chapter was adorable!
6/9/2011 c8 28Blue Leah
Haha, love it, especially the last line...poor Ron! Harry was great.
6/8/2011 c8 8jennimiley
AWWWWWW! I love the Weasleys! Great job portraying how proud Arthur and Molly are of their kids!
6/8/2011 c8 16ermireallydontcare
Lovely collection of one-shots!

I loved the last one, but didn't Ginny play Chaser? I know she plays seeker in Ootp but in H BP she says she prefers Chaser and I'm certain JKR said she played Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies! (I feel like such a nerd for knowing that!)
5/24/2011 c7 Cassandra30
sigh Excellent advice, Molly.
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