Just In
for Fairy Tale

8/19/2018 c1 itsxoi
omyxnidnzjxnskzmosnxusnziemid. . . . that was so frigging, damnnnn, fleaking, downright, fluffing adorable! I really love how you come to conceptualize this fic. And I'm loving every word of it. Beautifully done and I'm really excited as to how Naruto and Hinata's relationship will come to progress. Now I'm excited for when they confess to each other that they love one another. Can't wait for the updates to come. Hoping for more stories from you.
9/23/2012 c1 4Lymixan
This intro was, how should I put, heartbreaking, sweet and interesting.
I think that you might have a good story there, if you would decide to continue.
Don't know about the other readers,
but I will follow the story in case there will be any updates.
6/13/2010 c1 4SongstressOfLove
i loved the story its very cute and funny.please keep up the good work! cant wait till the next chapter!
10/21/2009 c1 3MidnightWolfGirl
aw thats so cute ^0^
7/9/2009 c1 3JadedGothButterfly
Oh,God.That Was Just TOO Adorable.I Loved Kurenei In It And I Just Adore How You Characterize Hiashi In Your Fics.

I Hope You Get Inspired & Update Soon.I Know It's Annoying If I Persist On Saying That But It Just IS A Darn-Good Fic. =3

I Just Can't Wait To See What Happens When They Grow Up - How Beautiful Hinata'll Be And How Many Knights Would Fall For Her. *Blushes & Giggles*

Anyway...*Embarrassed* Keep It Up,Author-kun! *Thumbs Up,Gai Style*
6/20/2009 c1 23Apex Soldier
This is really good..

I completely agree with what your profile says about the whole stories thing..

By the way.. Been two years since you last updated hasn't it..

Yet i'm perfectly fine with waiting though i don't like to either..

Funny how some people get when they threaten others over the computer..

I'm getting off track..

Good story, update soon =]...
6/14/2009 c1 Demon Of Sacrifice
nice update soon or else
3/28/2009 c1 Tea-PartyCrasher
Aw...6 year old Naruto and Hinata are too cute! *hugs both* O, and Orochimaru...*stabs w/ a spork* Gr...Can't wait till the next update!
10/13/2008 c1 melanie
that is so cute please update soon!
4/12/2008 c1 Gravity The Wizard
12/11/2007 c1 prestojazz
soo this is the story you updated with naruto's awakening? what happened
12/8/2007 c1 Dragoon's Revenge
I've read your other story and if this one turns out well writen like the other, SWEET! I like how you portraided the characters so well. Sorry about spelling, worst speller on the planet. All you really need to do about this story is update. If you don't I'll stab you with my mouse pointer! (Waves mouse pointer threatingly)
11/23/2007 c1 Z Girl Warrior
The 2 stories you wrote ROCK! and also the pictures you've drawn (from deviant art website) are so COOL
10/6/2007 c1 Karion Latanos
I love your stories! They're great and much, much better than the rest of the fanfics on this website. Hope you update the other one soon. And a little criticism (read your profile). Some spelling errors, that's all.
9/24/2007 c1 Dominque
Aw "Are you an angel?" that was aborable! You're an inspiration to us all Shika-kun =^_^= Keep up the great work!
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