Just In
for Harry Potter AKA Shade

1/29/2011 c6 Immortalis Cruor Elf
update sooooooooooooooon!
9/8/2010 c1 15faramiriel
Please take an English class.
9/7/2010 c6 8bradie webb's no.1 girl
great story hun, i love it. pity you didnt keep going oh well good work anyway
8/21/2010 c6 6Windstorm124
Oh please, PLEASE hurry! I love the idea behind this story!
7/13/2010 c6 1emmykat113
omg! please update!
3/22/2010 c6 ayumistar00
nice please update soon
3/3/2010 c6 Silvermane1
please update
2/15/2010 c6 elly264
i really really like it u MUST continue soon

i want to read more
2/14/2010 c6 17FallenHope-Angel
ah this seems like a good fic in the making and i can' wait for youto update.
1/19/2010 c6 power of darkness
please update i love this story
12/24/2009 c6 Lily887787
please update soon!
11/29/2009 c6 1Valentine VanDracula
not bad but write more and quickly I'm very impatient
7/24/2009 c6 9TheOneThatIsAddictedToHPfics
7/15/2009 c6 CrayonsPink
This is a great story so far! I can't wait to see what happens next! Sorry, I don't know the title of the story you're looking for.
7/15/2009 c6 4luvbooks
what happens next
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