Just In
for I See You

9/16/2008 c5 2Jeremy Shane
good chapter
9/16/2008 c3 Jeremy Shane
good chapter
9/16/2008 c1 Jeremy Shane
good chapter
5/29/2008 c6 8Gilmoregirl19
Had to read your story, after you reviewed mine;) I kind of dig this angsty Logan. Please cotinue, I'm wondering where it'll go from here.

Anyway, I was wondering where you're from. In the beginning your writing is very 'proper', and later it becomes more 'normal' - if that makes any sense. Maybe it is because the first chapters are set in London?

xx GilmoreGirl
4/20/2008 c7 1envaok
awsome! excited what the future brings for them:)

update soon, please'
3/24/2008 c7 7OhhhSkyler
Please, please, please, finish this story! It is really good and I love Rogan type stories! So please finish!
3/22/2008 c7 1Curley-Q
Great job w9ith this chapter
3/21/2008 c7 8TigerLilyFire
WHAT! NO! ELIAS! NO! *sobs madly at the loss of the one person who understood Logan*

continue please *sniffle*

i love ur writing style,

its beautiful.
3/21/2008 c7 1lexhuntzberger
Did he dream of the kiss?
3/21/2008 c7 claireheart
that's just heart breaking:( please update soon, can't wait :)
3/21/2008 c7 Deathstar1853
very good, normally i don't like dream sequences but this was done very well...i can't wait for rory to come back and reconcile with him.
3/21/2008 c7 6iwannabegilmore
wait was this whole chapter a dream or just a part
3/20/2008 c7 2CorkyGilmore
sad poor logan

so i wonder did he really kiss rory or was that all a dream 2 dun dun dun
3/20/2008 c7 2MegaMe15
Sad, but I love it! Can't wait for more.
12/25/2007 c6 1Curley-Q
Poor Logan! Please continue soon
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