Just In
for I See You

2/25/2007 c1 11Rayc Petite
Hahaha, 'Eyes That Burn Like Cigarettes'... That's a cake lyric. I like this story. I'm not quite sure why you put three chapters into one, but I'm not going to complain. I'm interested. You're in France? That's so cool, I love France. I don't think you really need a beta, I understand everything you are saying and I didn't really catch any major spelling errors. Anyway, continue soon!
2/25/2007 c1 1wildfirelover06
You are an excellent writter and this chapter was really good...keep up the great work
2/25/2007 c1 1AlwaysHoldingOn
aww that was cute! I like this new meeting good job!
2/25/2007 c1 1StopDropNRoll
France! Thats so exciting!

This chapter was great dont worry I can't wait for more
2/25/2007 c1 3aa16mm
i like the story! keep it up! :)
2/25/2007 c1 1Curley-Q
I loved the meeting! Please continue
2/25/2007 c1 16Hopes2High
I loved it! You should continue!
2/25/2007 c1 2Science vs Romance
I really liked this. Please update again soon!

Ps...What part of France? I spent some time in the south, I hope you enjoy your time there as much as I did!
2/25/2007 c1 19QueenOfTheSloths
This is really good. You're an excellent writter. Ihave one piece of constructive critasism and that is that I think sometimes you have the characters speak too formally. Other than that, it's great and I'm looking forward to more. :)
2/25/2007 c1 shelly112
Great Story!
2/25/2007 c1 1MiMiBeLLa10
I like how you started this story. The characters are really believable compared to other stories. I can't wait to see how it plays out. Update Soon ! :)
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