8/14/2007 c17 taylorxxsue
yay! California. That sounds fun. I loved this chapter too. It was awesome, so.. yeah! Great job.
yay! California. That sounds fun. I loved this chapter too. It was awesome, so.. yeah! Great job.
8/14/2007 c16 taylorxxsue
Oh man I called that at chapter 11. Go man. *Stands up and dances* yay! but wow. Well awesome chapter. It was great!
Oh man I called that at chapter 11. Go man. *Stands up and dances* yay! but wow. Well awesome chapter. It was great!
8/14/2007 c15 taylorxxsue
Wow hmm.. interesting. Is her goddaughter the real reason she is pushing back the wedding? Well this is great and very well written. Great job
Wow hmm.. interesting. Is her goddaughter the real reason she is pushing back the wedding? Well this is great and very well written. Great job
8/14/2007 c14 taylorxxsue
yeah it's a girl. But could it be twin girls maybe? HAHAHa probably not but I can dream. Well great job
yeah it's a girl. But could it be twin girls maybe? HAHAHa probably not but I can dream. Well great job
8/14/2007 c13 taylorxxsue
Oh wow. I can't wait to find out what the baby is. This story is hard rock awesome. Great job
Oh wow. I can't wait to find out what the baby is. This story is hard rock awesome. Great job
8/14/2007 c12 taylorxxsue
That was very very good. Great job. And I thought Ginny was like pregnant or something too.Guess not. Well awesome job
That was very very good. Great job. And I thought Ginny was like pregnant or something too.Guess not. Well awesome job
8/14/2007 c11 taylorxxsue
Aww.. woopsie Ron. It was really good. Great job. It is super awesome. Great job
Aww.. woopsie Ron. It was really good. Great job. It is super awesome. Great job
8/14/2007 c10 taylorxxsue
poor Ron and Hermione. Aww.. at least most of the Aunts and Uncles were supportive. It super dee duper good. Great job
poor Ron and Hermione. Aww.. at least most of the Aunts and Uncles were supportive. It super dee duper good. Great job
8/14/2007 c9 taylorxxsue
B and C. And Harry was hilarous in this chapter. Very nice. hahaha great job. Can't wait to read more. This is awesome. Great job.
B and C. And Harry was hilarous in this chapter. Very nice. hahaha great job. Can't wait to read more. This is awesome. Great job.
8/14/2007 c6 taylorxxsue
yeah! Hermione's pregnant! Awesome. This is getting better and better. I love it. Great job!
yeah! Hermione's pregnant! Awesome. This is getting better and better. I love it. Great job!
8/14/2007 c5 taylorxxsue
I feel that way anytime I see my family. This chapter was awesome. You know what. I am just going to stop saying that cause all your chapters have been amazing. Keep it up
I feel that way anytime I see my family. This chapter was awesome. You know what. I am just going to stop saying that cause all your chapters have been amazing. Keep it up
8/14/2007 c4 taylorxxsue
Amazing. Two healthy Weasley baby boys. Aww... this was an amazing chapter. Loved it. Great chapter
Amazing. Two healthy Weasley baby boys. Aww... this was an amazing chapter. Loved it. Great chapter