Just In
for Paris

8/14/2007 c2 taylorxxsue
Though this story is all ready over I will say A! And That chapter was very long. (good) And Very refreshing to read. Great job

8/14/2007 c1 taylorxxsue
yeah I found the 4th one! Awesome it really roxs great job

7/9/2007 c25 4MR4EVA
Love Harry and Ginny's name. I needed Potter names anyway, so that will be the name of the oldest. If you don't mind of course.
7/9/2007 c21 MR4EVA
Her initials are WEW, I LOVE IT! I'll add her to my story, but under a different last name. I have a little cousin trick planned.
7/6/2007 c25 3blackice37
that was soo cute, please give me more willa!
7/5/2007 c21 ashleye
i really love your story. i hope that you continue to write more chapters.

i can't wait to hear more about willa, hermione and ron.
7/5/2007 c25 dancerrdw
ya the baby is fine...i liked it a lot and i cant wait to read California Bound
7/3/2007 c25 danielle
that waz rele rele great! can u send me the link 2 california bound when u finish? cuz i can NEVER find any story i wanna read! i rele loved it!
7/3/2007 c25 12LadyDerora
omg i luc it so good
7/3/2007 c25 1livelovewhatever
OMGosh! you had me really scared with this chapter! i thought you were gonna do the horrible thing and kill her! good thing you didn't though, i would've burst out crying!

well i can't wait till your new story comes out! im really excited!

keep up the great work! you are really good!
7/3/2007 c25 stephanie
wow!Lily-Lyn's a really cute name!that was a brilliant chapter - please write another one soon!
7/2/2007 c25 h256
i love it thank god the baby is ok good job
7/2/2007 c25 6Tarquin the Proud
A Perfect end to another fine tale. I look forward to Ron & Hermione's Great Trek to California. Se gap lai nhe.
7/2/2007 c25 anna
Have a big grin on my face that you choose "California Bound" for the title for the next story! Glad that I could be of some help to a budding writer. Looking foreward to the 1st. posting of "California Bound" and will continue reviewing.
7/2/2007 c20 1Pinksakurablossom
I meant 4! This is the last review! I hope.
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