Just In
for Paris

7/2/2007 c24 1Pinksakurablossom
By the way, did you notice that it took you exactly 5 months to finish this story?
7/2/2007 c25 Pinksakurablossom
I'm so happy that the baby was okay! My mom had to have a c-section with me too. I can't wait until California Cound comes out! Isn't their going to be 2 more stories, one about Willa growing up in California and one about her when she's a teenager? I hope so. It's going to be so sad when the stories end! But at least we can all look forward to California Bound! I've always wanted to go there. By the way, how can Willa go to Hogwarts if she lives in California? Oh well. I still can't wait until she goes. I think I'm kind of addicted to these stories. Please try to post California Bound soon, it will make all of your adoring fans (including me) very happy!
7/2/2007 c25 Mallory
you scared me there for a second! love your work
7/2/2007 c25 2sandybeach6th
This is the most adorable ending, EVER! I absolutly LOVE your storys, I think know this should be called a series or is just SO adorable! You have done an amazing job with all that you've written, and no one would be able to do it better. I'm so happy that you're an author, its extremely inspiring to have someone like you writing fanfiction. I look foward to reading California Bound!
7/2/2007 c25 3Hermes priestess
come out with california bound soon!

and i like the name lily-lyn =-)
7/2/2007 c25 The Nerd Princess
I can't wait for California bound! I loved this one and the others, too. When are you going to post California Bound? Huuryy! Hahahaha...
7/2/2007 c25 68Reeves3
It made me cry that ending i was so scared the baby would of died but thank god she didn't can't wait to start reading California Bound. :)
7/2/2007 c25 SingingBird812
That was a great ending to this story! :) I can't wait to read the next one! Do you think it would be possible if you could send me a message when you post it I'm afraid that I won't be able to find it otherwise.
7/2/2007 c25 1Miz Felton
a cute end for this story
7/2/2007 c25 vivian
AH. thank god lily-lyn is oki.

i`m looking forward to reading california bound! i`ve been following you&your stories...ever since summer lovin` and they all are so fantasticly written.

when are you going to write california bound?
7/2/2007 c25 3Esrie Rose Moncherie
i can't wait fo the new chapter i hope you update soon and i love this story kyile
7/2/2007 c25 1mione-ron-4ever
Oh good! Lily-Lyn's okay! You had me scared for a second. Great end to Paris. I cannot wait to read California Bound! You absolutely must post the story soon! Great chapter and story!
7/2/2007 c25 connieewing
Aw first I cried sad tears then I cried happy tears yay for the new baby and yay I can't wait to read californie bound.
7/2/2007 c24 PadawanHermione
I love this whole series. You must continue with it. Please update it often. Your a great writer!
7/2/2007 c24 stephanie
that chapter was really good. please write another one soon!
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