Just In
for Plane rides, tequila, and regrets

1/17/2010 c6 194iamkellylouise
its a shame you didn't finish this, was really good =)
1/19/2009 c6 1The Tall TV Lover
Love it it's great and funny,
10/28/2008 c2 3Ask me a question
fuckin hell I luve this. all my fav couples ah the good times.
7/27/2008 c6 kateswalshs
Bahaha, mer & cristina watching them! LOL.

aw crap, addie fucked up :(

hehehe Chiefy :P

loving it! :D
7/27/2008 c5 kateswalshs
AH crap no! Addie/mark! :(
7/27/2008 c4 kateswalshs
Ah Derek & Addie kissed for ages LOL...

They are my OTP, but addisex follow closely behind haha

loving it!
7/27/2008 c3 kateswalshs
haha love!

dude mark's gonna be so pissed!
7/27/2008 c2 kateswalshs


7/27/2008 c1 kateswalshs
7/25/2008 c6 2francetwo
i love it its funny LOL pleae update soon
12/11/2007 c4 themadones
i don't like mark and addison i like mark and izzie!
10/13/2007 c6 2themcnasty
You should update this story! I love it!
7/7/2007 c6 4Orchidae
This is great!:P Could you please put some Callex in it?

Please update soon=).

6/20/2007 c6 7SunshineandFlamingoes
Super LOL!
6/18/2007 c6 SeattleGraceHospital
This was a good episode. I can't wait to hear the chief's mandatory meeting! Update soon!
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