Just In
for Termination

1/10/2009 c1 kushka
I've only recently ventured into Firefly fan-fiction territory and I stumbled across this gem. Such a wonderful start and so much potential. It's a shame there isn't more.
3/20/2007 c1 8Zephyr of Shadows
O...kay, I like it, but I'm a little... confused... you and your gorram flashbacks indeed! But I WOULD like you to continue this, so's mabey I can become a little elss confused =)
3/7/2007 c1 62homeric
You've got a really interesting start here. I like the back-story with Inara's mother and Inara herself; it's very intrieguing. I love that River is still rather bonkers, and that Jayne doesn't quite know what to make of her, or why he likes her... I look forward to more :)

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