Just In
for Erased Memory

10/26/2019 c1 ddddaaaae
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
8/22/2011 c1 Mermaidcunt
I thought it was very touching how you wrote a fic inspired by Ryukotsusei. She's an amazing writer and I had the pleasure to speak to her on many past occasions (May she be doing well now) and she's a really nice person. I bet she would be very flattered to have a fellow reader and writer dedicate a fic that was inspired by one of her stories.

This was amazing. You did an amazing job in a few, carefully thought out words. I love drabbles. Sometimes drabbles are written with more meaning than stories with hundreds of pages. You captured that in this ficlet. Very good job. Love it.

5/12/2010 c1 2Kishen
I haven't read an inu-yasha fic in a while besides yours. Love the story and how you captured the emotion well. You definately have a talent for writing, keep writing. I would love to read more by you :)

Thank you for the reviews :)

2/15/2010 c1 51psycochick32
I didn't read the story this was inspired by, but it was well-enough written that I knew what had happened even still.

"he reluctantly offered to bury the symbolic hatchet in a place other than InuYasha's skull." - I laughed. Very nice wording here.

"if he would have known at the time, he might have considered biting her a few times while she was still with him... something he could fantasize about..." - laughed here, too, even though it was a bit bittersweet.

The end was painful; poor InuYasha, if he's forced to wait that long!
8/28/2009 c1 3LadyRini478
I enjoyed this story, I believe that you do have a talent for writing! I see you reviewing people's fanfiction all the time, but you should write more, you are very good!
6/28/2009 c1 ThisIsMeSmiling
Wow. This was an amazing piece. Very emotional, and beautifully captured in just a few short words. I actually FELT InuYasha's despair and determination at the last line when it was mentioned that he didn't want to wait until he was dead to remember Kagome like Kaede did. The "haunted look" in Mama Higurashi's eyes and Sesshomaru's priceless reaction: "and he reluctantly offered to bury the symbolic hatchet in a place other than InuYasha's skull." also beautifully captured feeling as well as characterization. Brilliant. I'm definetely going to check out the story that inspired this, but I'd also like to read more of your work! If all of it is as riveting as this, then I can definetely see myself getting addicted to it. ~Amber :)
6/16/2009 c1 3SilverGodFanGirl
o: That's it? Omg, this would make the absolute coolest extended fic! I love your writing style, you get so much emotion across in so few words, and you have fantastic imagery!

I'll have to go read your friend's fic now!
5/11/2009 c1 4kokoronagomu
5/11/2009 c1 20Kyprish Prophetess
Why does this say complete? PLEASE say it isn't so!
1/2/2009 c1 10Danjor
i love the way you write. The words just go together to nicely, and it makes a nice picture.

Not to mention it is a very interesting idea erasing Kagome from peoples minds. I enjoy this little piece. And now i'm going to have to read erased in a moment

(ps i'm JPatt from mediaminer also, and yes i'm posting on other sites. Thanks for reviewing i really appreciate it.
11/20/2008 c1 17Pretty P
Wow, this was great! So, maybe Inuyasha will be able to somehow get everyone's memories back. Leaves us wondering. A delightful companion to Ryukotsusei's EiaM!

11/20/2008 c1 loretta537
this is good, i assume you have ryukotsusei's permission for his story. please update this soon.
9/3/2008 c1 150Raberba girl
I had to read it a couple of times to get it, but when I did, I was impressed. This is a good story. I especially like the line, "he reluctantly offered to bury the symbolic hatchet in a place other than InuYasha's skull." :)
8/15/2008 c1 11wbaker5286
this was so good! the forlorn quality of his sadness really made me feel it. i love stories that make me feel. i really do wish that you would post more stories. you have a way with putting your words in an order that speaks to the heart.

thank you for posting this.
1/20/2008 c1 99Silent Scribe
Hm, I haven't read "Erased Memory," but this was well written enough to make me want to read it! Stellar work! ^^
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