Just In
for A Serpent's Sacrifice

12/8/2024 c45 1Eagle-Eyes
This has been one if the best stories I have read on fanfic. I have probably skipped over it several times as I scroll through the many stories authors have written. Whatever you do, don't stop writing. Whether an original story or just playing in someone else's universe, you are a talented writer. Thank you for sharing this one with us.

Keep writing as life allows...
9/2/2024 c45 Guest
A very well-written story. Some nice plot twists that weren't expected. And you got there in the end. I really appreciated the emotional struggles you portrayed.
7/21/2024 c45 odonnellzoo99
I haven't read this in years. A good story and I'm glad that I decided to read it again.
3/26/2023 c45 moonstar06
Thank you for writing this wonderful story :)
12/22/2022 c45 Guest
It’s great my fav fic so far
11/2/2022 c5 WeisseHex
At least, in this fic,Ginny isn't portrayed as a snarly, nasty wench! Thank Merlin for small favors! Still, I like Harry much more paired either with Daphne, Luna or even Hermione. Ginny, in my mind, looks too much like Harry Potter's mum.
11/2/2022 c2 WeisseHex
I'm sure I don't understand this, but DID Albus in fact put that cursed ring on? Or did he hide this from Harry, so that Snape killing him on his orders remains a secret? So just how would Harry know to trust Snape, just on the written word of Albus Dumbledore? I think Harry needs more than that...
11/2/2022 c1 WeisseHex
Well, let's hope that Harry GETS something from Dumbledore that will actually be of service for him?!
10/10/2022 c8 FDR
It #12
10/10/2022 c4 ITC
It was number 12, no 17.
5/5/2022 c45 3Ducky1776
Very interesting story. I thought it lagged at some points, but there was a purpose to it. Thanks!
5/2/2022 c23 Ducky1776
Die! Nagini! Die!
2/28/2022 c45 lukecreed.46
A very good fic! I'm genuinely surprised it isn't as well known as it deserves!
2/23/2022 c4 Guest
Story feels too robotic, idk, maybe its cause all of your characters seem to use the same form of dialogue.
1/18/2022 c45 kim pace
I totally enjoyed your story. It is well thought out and I love the twists and turns.
Thank you, keep up the good work.
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