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for Mechanics and Literature

10/17/2014 c1 Guest
Yay, chocolate and wrenches.

There were typos but it was good
5/22/2008 c1 Gage Thomas
I really liked it. I've really been into Winry/Sciezka lately, and your story was excellent. Thank you!
4/16/2008 c1 simplyEarthian
First Winry/Sciezka Story I have read, and I am Amazed. IT is adorable, and unlike other Girl/Girl stories I have read it wasnt smutty! WooHoo for actual Romance! lol.

4/8/2008 c1 30Madame President
i loved it! it was so cute! there isn't nearly enough shoji-ai in the fma fandom.
1/13/2008 c1 5kissMe imDying
^_^ This fic made me smile!

You don't get enough reviews for this!

Very well-written. Sweet, simple, in character all the way. Winrey/Sciezska is one of my favorite pairings (next to Ed/Envy mew)

I find it very VERY difficult to obtain decent f/f fics T_T I'm straight and female but like this genre alot when it is well done and let me tell you, I have read many not-so-good f/f fics. This one? Outstanding.

Your contrasting development and sense of timing is wonderful ^^ I like how much alike they are and yet so from different worlds. Nothing feels out of place here. It's not smutt at all (which is too common among yuri fiction: AE: it's usually badly written or pure smutt or both) In fact, their relationship is sweet. I could so see them fitting into a perfect lifestyle with one another. KUDOS to ya!

Much love,

12/29/2007 c1 7Inundation
That was just... adoarble. You really have Winry and Sciezska (whose name I will never remember the correct spelling of) in character, and it does my heart good to see that. I never really thought of the two together, to be honest, but after I recieved the link to this story I think it might work, in the anime at least.

So, keep up the good work!

(FYI, you wrote "expirience," which should be "experience.")
5/21/2007 c1 dead-girls
I really enjoyed this. It was very good writing, and I also loved how they weren't out of character. Good job!
3/15/2007 c1 Mentor Donatello
I applaud you for not hopping on the bandwagon and doing shonen ai (or RoyEd for that matter). :D;

I actually don't like slash, but I decided to read this only until it came to something that I found uncomfortable to read- which there was none of. I mean, there was a little kiss, but other than that, nothing to make a non-slash fan flee in terror. Good job so far. I found the repeated mentions of exact periods of time (eg: five fours) a little tedious, though. After the first time, you could've said "hours later" or "later in the day" or something. But it was pretty nice otherwise.

Take care!

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