Just In
for One Day

10/29/2011 c4 2Rainbowed-Sunned-Spirit
I'm a little sad to see that this story has been abandoned :( Oh well. You ended it alright! SO CUTE AND FLUFFY! Good job!
12/10/2010 c4 38tentsubasa
Awww! They're so sweet!
8/25/2009 c4 DonChakram
This is really cute. I was kinda depressed and it really cheered me up. Thanks! :)
8/23/2009 c4 4ColinatorGX
This such a cute Daisuke x Riku story! Love the first 4 chapters. And even though the last part was slightly cliche, i liked it alot, the cliche was very well used. ^^
6/30/2009 c4 1FlareKnight
Well I've enjoyed reading through this one so far. It's been nice to just see these two characters interact. It was definitely important to deal with her questions about Daisuke and Dark. Though it might make things easier if Dark really has moved on forever since telling Riku that her kid would share bodies with that guy might be a bit...

Anyways hope you decide to keep going with this since it's got plenty of fun left in it.
2/6/2009 c4 4Revenial
This is a great story, I look forward to the next chapter!

12/14/2007 c4 2The Truly Avaricious
Cool story, keep it up.
11/21/2007 c2 ipohias
he he he! poor Saehara...yeah right..he deserved this! anyway..your story is .so kawaii...! I really like it... please update soon...! ja ne! :* :*...
11/20/2007 c1 ipohias
kawaii...good job!
10/20/2007 c1 2coypinoy
hey this seems to be developing into a good story... i have a few things that need adressing and their not about the story itself its about mechanincs and such...

i seem nitpicky but if u reread it urself uf get wat im saying... basic grammar states stay in the same tense u kept jumping from presnt to past tense and it was throwing me of and causing me to read certain things over... other wise amazing start ima keep reading... P.S. the out of characterness was ok didnt change anything but satoshi wanting to be with risa forever was just barely a bit much... peace and good work
7/16/2007 c4 28zaphyrus of the moon
nice, very nice! what about satoshi and risa? oh never mind! its a very good fic!
7/8/2007 c4 Akakinzoku
Heh these made me almost kill myself from lack of oxygen. I can't wait till you update. Cya

Previously on Shinobi Rangers:

“OMG, A RAT!” squealed the DN Angel fan girls. “Daisuke-kun! Satoshi-kun! SAVE US! Then go make out or something so we can put it into our disturbing fanfics!” (Twitch)


“Daisuke-kun, I have to tell you something.”

“What is it, Riku-san?”

“Daisuke-kun, remember when you were carrying me after the bridge collapsed?”


“Well, you touched me in a place you shouldn’t have, Daisuke-kun. We are legally married now, please sign here…” (Twitch)

7/2/2007 c4 3arisa kojite
wow, i ove this story! can't wait to see some new chapters!
6/17/2007 c1 arisa kojite
wow, this a really great story! u know, my teacher always says that a great writter is able to get the reader's attension after just reading the first chapter to the story, and then make the reader want to read more. that is exactaly what u have done with this story. can't wait to read somemore of this story!
5/30/2007 c4 9Gin-Sensu
that was sweet!
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