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for Naruto of the Nine Tails

1/21 c32 Guest
May I ask why you blocked all your stories on AO3 behind a login wall. It used to be we could go in at anytime and read them, but now it seems we need an account to read them
1/7 c32 Jordeylson Gaspar Costa
The story is particularly very good, it's a shame that in 16 years it only has this amount of chapters, this work has everything to be successful, but I think the amount of updates and the delay limits the audience
11/5/2024 c32 Guest
This is getting really really good hopefully it continues! Also the whole Hinata urges with Naruto is oddly adorable and funny yet I also hope Hinata eventually gets her urges fulfilled.
10/26/2024 c9 Animeworld2.0
Hello, I hope you're doing well!

This is "Fiction Life" YouTube channel, where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that loves listening to them. I recently came across your story and found it so captivating that I would love to share it with my subscribers.

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

With your permission, I would be honored to create a video of your story. I will give full credit to you as the original author in the video description and provide a link back to your original work. Additionally, I will share the video link in the comments of your story so you can see it for yourself.

I genuinely believe your story deserves to reach an even wider audience. Our channel is supported by the community, allowing us to continue spreading great stories like yours to new fans. If you have any suggestions, such as a preferred "What If" title or any other changes you'd like, I'd be more than happy to accommodate them.

Please let me know if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,

Fiction Life!
10/19/2024 c9 Guest
Fun fact: the alpha beta thing in wolves isn’t real. That was made from observations from wolves in captivity. Real wolf packs are comprised of a regular family structure of a mother, father, kids, and for bigger packs, the kids’ mates.
The more you know.
10/14/2024 c32 blasterdog
Maaaaannnnnn that threw me for a loop. Great chapter
10/13/2024 c32 1RANMACAT
i have been reading this story sins the begin and still as good as the wan you first stared
10/12/2024 c32 Guest
Real damn good story I wish there are more chapters continuing though hopefully you post soon
10/11/2024 c32 NF15617
Finally reread this after faving it 11 years ago, here's my thoughts on the story as a whole.

I love the concept and have still only seen it done a few times but the rest of the stories with this premise are dead. I have enjoyed the more serious tone and actual plot that the story has taken since you've come back to updating it after so many years, thanks for that.

While the original chapters are like their own time capsule of early Naruto fanfiction with author inserts and 4th wall breaks, I am in favor of reformatting or rewriting the starting chapters of this story to have it fit the tone of these later chapters. You can of course do whatever you want because I still love what you've made so far but, I would love to see a version of this story without all the author inserts inside () and with all the canon omakes put into the chapters and not sectioned off. Also remove the non-canon omakes from this hypothetical story as well.

The characters and their personalities are quite unique and feel believable while also being fun. The following of the plot is nice though I do love the ways you are tweaking it to suit the needs of this story and allowing the plot to change around the changes you have made instead of just strictly sticking to having your characters mince through the OG plotlines. The NarutoxHinata ship in this is great, I am fine with whatever happens in romance/lemon department with any characters as they are fictional. Wonder if Naruto being in a 'coma' for all this time will crush Hinata with guilt or not?

I would devour some more worldbuilding with showing the other characters from different nations if they are going to be important at all. Also the talks between Sarutobi and his two students were interesting as a view into what the village is really like. Love the whole Paper Ninja bit along with how Suna was handled. Always nice to see some logical thinking and realism being put into the Naruto world that just seems to lack it so much. Hope we get to see more of Shukaku/Gaara at some point down the road.

With this latest chapter in particular, it opens up so many options for what Naruto and Tobi were doing and if or how much chakra Tobi was able to siphon from Naruto while they were playing with the tree men. Could even be not malicious at all because New Friend is New Friend. I am hoping for some massive plot changes that make it so the results are not just, everyone bands together to fight in a war where the "Power of Friendship" wins over all evil.

Really looking forward to where this story goes in the future as there are so few good Naruto fanfictions to read anymore that are not bogged down with the Self-Insert trope of "Character from modern world dies and is now in Naruto world with all needed information to become overpowered". Lots of story threads with interesting directions I can see just waiting to be fleshed out and I hope to be able to read this as a completed story eventually.
10/10/2024 c32 HenryManning
Jesus, the last chapters just keep sending goosebumps! Brrr. Great work!
10/9/2024 c32 2JustLucky05
excellent! keep up the great work!
10/8/2024 c32 9Dragon Man 180
Well FK! That last line is one of the scariest i have ever read. Hopefully they can impress on Naruto that Tobi would not hesitate to hurt his friends and needs to die.
10/8/2024 c32 Guest
Honestly I like how you took the direction of naruto and obito interacting for awhile
10/8/2024 c24 Son of Kronos
...i love it, and Shikamaru is a better and stronger man than my... by that point id have fallen to my knees and whimpered "mommy"
10/8/2024 c30 9Sargon Dorsai
Wonderful to see an update to this delightful story! Thanks for sharing it with us!
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