Just In
for Healing Heartbreak

6/23/2022 c24 animesims
Some of it is pretty good but other parts need a bit of a rewrite.
7/22/2020 c1 13Lady Barbara
Your entire first chapter is all dialogue and no descriptions of time, place, or characterization. You need to add some details for the reader to follow along.
2/6/2018 c13 Trainwreck
Bad writing, completely out of character (for Winry and ed) and I don’t think you know how a miscarriage works - don’t post about sensitive things like that if you’re not going to do even the smallest amount of research and at least make the reactions realistic.
12/13/2016 c13 5Mirria1
Why is Edward being such a dumbass? (Facepalms)
11/11/2016 c13 dauntlessofthesea
This is terrible, I mean, I'm sorry but you really need to review what you think a good person is like and how people behave in real life. It's a shame, because your writing isn't half bad.
8/23/2016 c24 6Mental Incapacity
this was great. like one complaint was that there was a lot of seen not saw
12/9/2015 c24 1Qixity
Great fanfiction
12/9/2015 c14 Qixity
9/3/2015 c13 Guest
Edward deserves a Beating
9/3/2015 c1 Guest
Lame. And messed up
6/30/2015 c1 2TheCandyChild
9/7/2014 c24 123983
Wonderful story! Really loved it!
4/13/2014 c2 Guest
This has a great plot, but the language, and way its written is a turn off :/
9/11/2013 c13 9jaclynkaileigh
What a compete and utter asshole!##fucking Ed! ! So pissed at his terrible treatment of Winry from day one. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but what a fuck face!
5/1/2012 c1 5IAmTheHeroOfTime
ok i am highly confused... Edward Elric finish a whole jug of milk! THATS UNHEARD OF!
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