Just In
for Back In Your Arms

4/6/2014 c7 dswed
add me too

6/18/2012 c6 1preettygabbysz
omfg i loved it
6/13/2012 c7 Guest
Yes I also agree they should not take them down they are great story's
6/10/2012 c7 4tiffany aka basketcase
I want to sign your petition as well. Also, do I just copy and paste of what you're written and send it the support server?
1/12/2010 c6 sailorstarcharmer
Aww when is the next one coming. So cool
12/3/2008 c6 1lightofastar
This is a really good story. I noticed it hasn't been updated in about a year. I surely hope there will be more to come soon. I am really enjoying it and would love to read more and find out how it ends.
7/21/2008 c6 EdwardisBella's4ever
write more soon it is so good
1/3/2008 c6 FireboltFlame6938
12/29/2007 c6 5mermaidharmony
continue continue continue
12/26/2007 c6 11Sakura-Chan1345
Awe poor erena lol! Nicce though Update Soon ^^
12/26/2007 c6 78Lady Razeli
Nice chapter I can't wait to see what they do about Sere moving to Kyoto, but I can guess.
12/26/2007 c6 supersaiyanx
OH NO! Update soon!
12/25/2007 c6 Tori Kay
Oh God...

A spacey Serena...

Anyways, update soon!

- Tori Kay
12/25/2007 c6 118Anjirika
Ouch. Poor Serena... and aside from a few spelling mistakes (Darian should be Darien and noe should be now) this was a great chapter. Update soon!
12/25/2007 c6 1SerenityDeath
I like the story. Hope you update soon!
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