12/15/2024 c11 SunPho3n1x
This has been a super fun story! I very much enjoyed reading it. Thank you for writing this.
This has been a super fun story! I very much enjoyed reading it. Thank you for writing this.
11/12/2024 c11 Kashmiran
Absolutely LOVED this story. I would love it if there was a seqeul to this. It would have made my day or night as its 11:37pm at the moment but i would have started the seqeul right away. Nevertheless, thank you for writing this story and allowing us to be a part of your imagination. Please do contiue to write. Absolutely BRILLIANT!
Absolutely LOVED this story. I would love it if there was a seqeul to this. It would have made my day or night as its 11:37pm at the moment but i would have started the seqeul right away. Nevertheless, thank you for writing this story and allowing us to be a part of your imagination. Please do contiue to write. Absolutely BRILLIANT!
8/14/2024 c3
Guess there isnt a Statute of Limitations in regards to groundable offenses, or at least when the offender is still a minor.

Guess there isnt a Statute of Limitations in regards to groundable offenses, or at least when the offender is still a minor.
5/16/2023 c11 Now Account
Haha, hearing what Harry got up to at school is the stuff of nightmares for any parent, lol.
Haha, hearing what Harry got up to at school is the stuff of nightmares for any parent, lol.
10/29/2022 c9 Guest
It’s flowing like the river Thames.
It’s flowing like the river Thames.
10/25/2022 c8 Guest
Orange with hot pink streaks would rather suit him,don’t you think?
Orange with hot pink streaks would rather suit him,don’t you think?
10/24/2022 c6 Guest
It was the most hilarious thing I have ever read!
It was the most hilarious thing I have ever read!
5/10/2022 c11 BlackjaxCXXIII
A fantastic fic! Well done! Also, gotta say, that punishment of Dumbles was inspired :D
A fantastic fic! Well done! Also, gotta say, that punishment of Dumbles was inspired :D
4/13/2022 c11 bibliopuff
ahahah good riddance to all of them responsible with Harry's miserable life xD
ahahah good riddance to all of them responsible with Harry's miserable life xD