Just In
for Lost in Regret

3/31/2008 c3 2gideons-inamorata
Aw, that's sweet! I think that you could go on, if you wanted; it's really up to you...
3/31/2008 c2 gideons-inamorata
Well, yeah... But she was rather young, don't ya think? I mean, I just never really understood how it could be Sarah's fault for not realizing something that was just a wee bit too adult for her fifteen-year old mind, you know?
3/31/2008 c1 gideons-inamorata
Aw, well I think that the premise is sweet. You could come back through and add some description to this, if you wanted.
3/2/2006 c3 moonlitashes
Please keep going, I want to see what happens...
8/2/2003 c3 Pilas14
Please go on. This is too good to miss! Email me when you get it up!
9/2/2001 c3 13IntoTheGrey
YES YOU SHOULD GO ON! That last part tugged on my heart strings... you rule
7/25/2001 c3 S
Noooooo! No stop there! More!
7/23/2001 c3 katzy85
AAAHHHH. That's so sweet. *sigh* I think you should definitely continue. again *sigh*
7/17/2001 c3 aiko the queen of the underground
YAYHOO! this is really good!
7/15/2001 c3 17Baby Bear
That was sweet... *sniffles* ^_^
7/11/2001 c3 Jennifer
Please go on, this can't be the end!
7/10/2001 c3 4Silver Space
Go on go on.
7/9/2001 c3 Sara
That was great! is there a suqueal?
7/9/2001 c3 18Daggerpoint
You have to go on. It's good, but when I read ittory seems a bit un finished.
7/9/2001 c3 2Demonica2
Go on! This is so sickingly sweet! ^_^
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