Just In
for Insight

4/4/2009 c1 1Olivia44
Although I don't watch NCIS regularly anymore it was immediately clear that it's Gibbs who yearns for someone here. You wrote about his inner life not kitschy but realistic and convincing. It fits him well. My guess at who makes him feel this way: Kate or Ziva? Kate! (because I like her more *cough* :D) Thanks for sharing. :) ~O~
2/28/2009 c1 11fractured-fairytale06
Wow... this isn't a pairing that I usually subscribe to, but I absolutely love the way you've written it here. I think Gibbs' feelings for Ziva would be just this way. Great, wonderful job.
11/13/2007 c1 71Katie Todd
kibbs...yes? Loved it, nice work. Very deep.
10/21/2007 c1 kmap
Aw - Gibbs & Ziva? Definitely not Abby because she has green eyes? Possibly it was Kate.

Sweet anyway ;)
4/7/2007 c1 26Caramelchan
Aww! Gibbs... talking about Abby, right? Aww I love Gibbs/Abby, but there isn't enough of it around.

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