Just In
for Glass Walls

7/10/2007 c10 19Culf
I'll review properly when I've finished the story, but for now, let me giggle about the fact that you named Chase's stepmother Cordelia Chase. *snort*
6/28/2007 c12 freakygirlhere
I've just managed to read the entire thing in... about 9 hours, and I'm so glad I did. I loved every word and how Chase's feelings and those of everyone around were never forgotten. What makes an excellent story is great writing and a real consideration for the character's involved, and not forgetting their emotions, personalities, pasts and quirks throughout. Your story had all of these and more. Congratulations on this suberb story, and I hope there will be more of your work to follow.
6/27/2007 c12 21Aranna Undomiel
Wow, this really was a incredible story! I'm relatively new to the whole House-thing, but after reading stories like this I think I'll be going to watch it too from now on :)

This story really had me in it's grip from the beginning and I couldn't stop reading it and when I had, I couldn't wait to read on, so great praise to your writing talents :)

It's going on the favorite stories list.

About the (spelling)errors, they weren't all together that annoying, but why don't you ask someone who has English as a first language to beta it for you. Just a suggestion for improvement, couldn't find anything else to complain about ;) LOL
6/11/2007 c12 Tamerlane
I loved this story and I am so happy that you have finished it. ♥

The only complaint that I might have would be that I was interested in seeing more of Chases rehab and how he was dealing with PTSD in detail. That and I also thought that more time exploring how things were with him now with the rest of the group. You brushed over that all in the last chapter so it seemed a bit rushed. It was a lot to cover.

However, I have been following this story since the very beginning and I have enjoyed every update. In fact I think that this is the first story that I have been able to read from start to finish in my entire time at (which sadly has been years...)You have earned a lot of respect from me for finishing what you started and doing a damn good job of it in the meantime. If only there were more authors like that...

I look forward to seeing more of your work.

6/11/2007 c12 46Musica Diabolos
Very sweet ending, love how the title metaphor was finally explained. Beautiful writing and great ideas, keep going with new stories!
6/11/2007 c12 13Fanpire109
that was good story
6/11/2007 c12 7Elinix
thank you for a thought-provoking, well-written and entertaining story, I really loved it. Especially liked how you wrote House, he was really in character and that is tricky. I can totally see him doing an imaginary differential on the assumption that Chase was shot, care in his own way, both with the little things and the bigger ones, like getting him that place, and finally giving him a ticket to Australia with a threat of chasing after him unless both ways are used. You have some great phrasing and a nice, fluent language, and I liked your character Father Bishop too. Everything about the epilogue felt real (except maybe Foreman and Cameron wouldn't be that unable to connect the dots), I loved seeing Chase in Australia and I think this quote is great, it summons everything up: “Despite the statistics, feelings are more dangerous to the heart than high cholesterol,” Chase remarked as if quoting some recent study." Great character-insight. I also loved the part about Chase’s name, that was probably my favourite all throughout the story. That and the conversation on the roof. The title is also fantastic. So all in all, good work, and keep writing!
6/11/2007 c12 15Craic agus Ceol
oh good, happy ending! Yeah, the PTSD isn't going to be gone, but at least there's headway in dealing with it...

I think you write the characters very well and very in canon. I liked seeing the little bits of Chase and his past that aren't really delt with on the show. And the James Bond thing was hilarious! Great job on the story!
6/11/2007 c12 18Candylovin Fehrian
Aw, the end? What an amazing story! I loved the final musings about glass walls, truly beautiful and true. Like I said, great story, with lots of action, emotion, drama and selfreflection.

Hope to read more from you soon!
6/11/2007 c12 43Merlin71
What a perfect and wonderful ending. It tied up all the loose ends and, satisfactorally dealt with what Chase was going through. Love it muchly. I'm sorry to see it end.
6/11/2007 c12 3Queen of Blank
That was an amazing ending. Thank you so much for this story! I loved it so much! I'll be waiting for another story from you sometime. :)

*Queen of Blank*
6/11/2007 c12 5Dimonah Tralon
Wow...amazing final section. That was some of the best writing I've ever seen. You have done a wonderful job with this story. Keep up the great work and may you have success in all your writing endevors!
6/3/2007 c11 13Fanpire109
goodjob update again soon please
6/3/2007 c11 15Craic agus Ceol
yay, long chapter! See, House DOES care, he just likes to show it in unconventional (and boarderline sadistic) ways. Glad to see Chase is back up and about, and now that he's admitted (sorta) that he's kinda broken, the healing can begin...hopefully. Well, great job as usual (and aforementioned "Yay, long chapter!"), and ending is such a bittersweet sorrow, but hey...there's still more left! Yippee!
6/2/2007 c11 7BabyBadger
Wow, this was a long one, and a very welcome update. I've enjoyed this a lot and look forward to the resolution.
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