Just In
for Glass Walls

6/2/2007 c11 Green Penguin
ooh, very neat chappie, and can only wonder what's gonna happen next.

neat introspection of everyone, too. i liked that chase is an artist, it does say a lot about the guy, very plausible idea. i like that he has some undefinable depth to him, very cool.

all the best, and can't wait to see the rest.
6/2/2007 c11 mo
aw loved the chapter as always! House and chase moment was uber sweet! Also the detail that you went into was great in making chase emotions feel real. So sad that only one more chapter left:( Please write more chase centric stories!
5/31/2007 c10 Animiga
Pretty please with sugar on top can I have another update? I am anxious to see what House's "errands" are and what Chase's reaction will be to everything.

What if I add a cherry? Will that work?
5/29/2007 c10 Indigon
oh, I'm loving it. Update soon. *favs*
5/29/2007 c10 Green Penguin
wow. can only wonder what happens from here-keep it up! you're doing great and really gotta know how its all gonna go when chase wakes up, or whatever comes next if there's something before that happens.

all the best to ya! can't wait.
5/21/2007 c10 15Craic agus Ceol
HAH, the bad guys are dead! And Chase is more or less in one piece, which is always a plus! but as for the missing-bit-of-muscle deal, is that really going to affect him that much? I hope not...though, as Wilson said, “Having another limping doctor in the hospital I can deal with, but having you feeling miserable and blaming yourself for not doing anything, that I’m not sure the world is ready for.” I love how you portray the dynamics between House and Chase, and I completely agree with you.

Anyhoo, it sounds sort of like we're on the home stretch now, except for the assassin chick. Is she also going to be a problem in the future? Either way, great job and update soon!
5/21/2007 c10 13Fanpire109
goodjob update again soon please
5/21/2007 c10 mo
aw that was sad and sweet! Update more soon!
5/21/2007 c10 4X5 - 452 and 494
Please let Chase be ok! Please update soon!
5/21/2007 c10 Tamerlane
I am so happy that they were able to save his leg. Although the removal of the small part of the muscle worries me. How well can someone function missing something like that? Will he just limp a little or will his walking have to be aided with a cane like House?

The freezing idea that allowed them to perform the operation was a stoke of genius. Do you have some medical background? You are writing the medical scenes very well. o_o

I loved Wilsons observations concerning the House / Chase relationship. The two are close in an odd sort of way, it is hard to put a label on it. You did a nice job trying to explain it though. It is not a father / son thing, but it is more than the average employee / supervisor relationship. o_O

I can not wait to see how Chase is going to react when he wakes up. I am sure that he is looking at a long recovery time. =(

Now about that women that is wandering around the hospital killing off its patients. How safe is Chase from her? I would imagine that as a victim he rates low on the must kill scale. Then again this is a large organization that is not known for leaving loose ends. Assuming that there were any survivors Chase could identify them.

...ideas for a possible sequel? _

Lastly, as much as I am loving this story some of the grammatical errors are rather obvious. Mainly it is with the tenses and the switching between past and present. After it is finished getting someone to go over it and fix those would make it a much smoother read.

Can not wait for the next chapter! ♥
5/21/2007 c10 18Candylovin Fehrian
Woohoo! You updated! And what an amazing update it is! I'm so glad they found a way to operate, and keep Chase alive... And like I said before, it's like watchin a House episode, unbelievably good writing!

Please update soon, so we can see how Chase reacts when he wakes up...
5/19/2007 c9 67Rivan Warrioress
ooh, please don't let Chase die. You are a genius, i'm addicted. Please keep up the updates, don't leave me hanging. ;)

Rivan Warrioress
5/16/2007 c9 AusGal
Oh my gosh, this story is like a drug! I need more! And quickly! Loving it.
5/15/2007 c9 riduculouslyriddikulus
Wow! Great chapter! I really loved reading each character's point of view on Chase, it was interesting to see how Cuddy, Cameronm, and House reacted to the situation...the description was absolutely wonderful! I can't wait for the next chapter; keep on writing!
5/15/2007 c9 18Candylovin Fehrian
Another amazing chapter! I am totally enthralled in your story. Good to see Chase is now at the hospital, but things are still not looking up... Wow, deja vu for House there! nice to see how he really cares for once. I can totally see this story happening on the show by the way! You keep the characters true and real, so when I'm reading it's like playing a House episode in my mind.

Can't wait for more, so please update soon!
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