Just In
for Glass Walls

5/15/2007 c9 Tamerlane
Your welcome for the Japanese help. ^_^

This was a great chapter, I have been looking forward to seeing everyones reactions for the last few chapters. House is finally realizing that he is truely concerned about Chase. I am happy that Cameron did not break down into tears and was professional about everything. You have to give her a lot of credit, she knew Chase better than anyone there and this must be so difficult to see.

I dont know about them calling the stepmom though. From what we have seen so far she does not seem to really give a damn about Chase at all. However, I do want them to save the leg. I mean come on these are all amazing doctors. I am sure that if there was a group that could get him through the surgery that it would be them. That and I can not imagine Chase minus one just seems...wrong. x_x

So...I wonder if this means that Cameron and Chase will be getting closer as she helps him through the recovery. _
5/15/2007 c9 2twister15
I thought the chapter was great, and well the story is great too. Its sad how chase is at the same turning point as house in respect to his leg. Hopefully, everything turns out fine. I feel so sorry for chase right now. Update soon!
5/14/2007 c9 15Craic agus Ceol
Great chapter! it seems that though te rescue saved Chase's life, the psychological reprecussions have only just begun to raise their ugly head...I really want to see where you take it!
5/14/2007 c9 13Fanpire109
goodjob update again soon please
5/14/2007 c9 band122005
Yeah! Hoorah for your writing skills! This chapter was awesome. Can't wait for the next update!
5/14/2007 c9 12quack675
I'm so happy to see an update! I often wondered about what was going to happen in this story. I think that's a sign of a good story-when you think about it while doing something random like loading the dishwasher! I liked the Cameron/Cuddy interaction. I think it would be interesting for Cuddy to get Cameron's opinion on what to do about Chase's leg. I doubt his stepmother would care one way or the other. :-( Looking forward to an update!
5/14/2007 c9 43Merlin71
OMG CHASE! ::Huggles him::

I love everyone's reaction to seeing him. How Cameron treated him. How House reacted. Everything. But I'm worried about his leg. Meep. Great chapter. Hurry with the next one, please.
5/13/2007 c8 3Jolly Ozzy Jones

I just loved this fic!

please, post the next chapter soon! I'm dying to know what will happen next!
5/9/2007 c4 4X5 - 452 and 494
Cool, not enough dialog.
5/8/2007 c8 1licorice stick
can't wait for the end! supply soon please!
5/7/2007 c8 Green Penguin

can't figure out anything better to say. wonder what happens next (and if cameron starts swooning and wailing over the broken chase, i hope everybody calls her on her bulls*-sorry, don't really like cameron)

anyhoo, can't wait.
5/7/2007 c8 15Craic agus Ceol
oh goody, the rescue scene! that's exciting! i'm so glad that Chase isn't dead! can't wait for the next chapter :)
5/7/2007 c8 firetop
great work, glad that Chase has been rescued.
5/7/2007 c8 13Fanpire109
goodjob update again soon please i really like this story. please let Chase be okay
5/7/2007 c8 MusicalMemory
Pure LOVE. That was amazing, as usual.
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