Just In
for Save Me From This Crazy World

6/25/2007 c8 9GrammarGeek
Yeah, just work on your verb tenses more. A lot more. And when you say something like, "I'll meet you in an hour time." It's wrong. The hour owns the time. It should be, "I'll meet you in an hour's time."

This a great story; it's really original. Keep up the good work!


P.S. All tenses of a verb in one sentence should be the same. I hope this helps!
6/25/2007 c8 sam
this is a good chapter! i was wondering in the beginning what the deadly morbus curse was but i soon found out i think it is a good plot but i have a question! are hermione fleur and micaha nd the rest of the weasleys ( excluding ginny and ron ) ever going to find ginny, ron, harry, draco, and pansy again? i mean its a great story and keep on writing!
6/16/2007 c7 19fleeting.ideas
how does this keep hiding from me?

uhm, I'm afraid I have to agree; this was not your best.

Moved the story along, and that HHr/lack there of...

Chapter six really was fine, the length doesn't matter

Chapter five made me happy though.

Since it seems you like some criticism, watch your tenses.

And sometimes dialogue seems a little awkward, but it's hard to write, and considering how much there is in here, it's bound to be off a few times.

keep up the good work :]
6/15/2007 c7 sam
i agree it is not your best but im liking this whole story! and i like all your chapters! so please please update!
6/15/2007 c3 kbot707
The story had me interested until I read that Harry had a Samurai Sword. This may sound blasphmous, but not everything needs Samurai Swords. Why would he even need a sword? He has a wand that can do far worse things. This is like that Batman fanfilm that has Batman fighting Aliens & Preditors just because the person had the costumes.
6/6/2007 c6 11pstibbons
hm... not sure if Harry can be forgiven.
6/5/2007 c6 sam alsoknownasloyalistreader
of course im surprised i am your most loyal reader. it doesn't matter i love your stories! this is a great chapter! and no i didnt find it too long believe me i have read longer! you gotta keep writing its amazing i will review later! xoxo! see ya!
6/1/2007 c5 sam
hey! renew and write come on i have been waiting for a long time ( note: 1 week = 7 days) doesn't seem like a lot but keep writing i miss these stories
5/26/2007 c5 sam
i have been waiting for a new story from you for a while but its amazing! i love this plot! with dumbledore's brother and all its great! and i will keep reading dont worry! i will keep reading as long as you keep writing!
5/20/2007 c4 sam
i am back! this is a good story! i cant believe you are back too! this is an amazing story! i was a little unsure about it when ginny, ron and harry went missing but it turned out it is an amazing plot line! keep writing!
5/19/2007 c4 19fleeting.ideas
haha, congratulations, you may have just sucked me back into the world of Fanfiction.

Sorry to ignore your PM but I really didn't want to get sucked back in; I'm so busy lately.

Alas, I simply can't stay away.

Words & Phrases I used to discribe your last story that I will probably use again:

“mysterious”; “exciting”; "these are things fics are made of."; "I'm really enjoying your story"; "The scandal!"; "Oh lala"; "Oh, and am I sensing BlaisePansy...?" Except now it's RonPansy, shameless multi-shipper, you; "if there can be a [mildly] happy ever after"

; "My, my, taking on multiple evil doing men."; "good luck"; "First I worry..."; "I'm going to miss this... "; "yay"; "Good job on this fic and I'll be looking for the next one"

Good job so far, definately a story to watch. :]
5/19/2007 c1 fleeting.ideas
I always come back :]
5/16/2007 c4 NaughtyBunny
Great chapter! I cant wait to read the next one!
4/29/2007 c2 2Togashi Hoshi
another awesome chapter, there was a lot of stuff in this short amount of space, but I am sure that in time you will explain everything. Lot's of mystery about this fic and I like it. update soon please
4/28/2007 c2 7JazzNProwl's sparklingAriaFyre
This seems very cool. I'm looking forward to the next chapter
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