Just In
for Charmed Ones Meet Buffy the Vampire Slayer

8/28/2011 c17 27M-dog14NCISgeek
Wow. Guess what Piper? You're pregnant with Jeremy's baby! Good luck.
8/28/2011 c13 M-dog14NCISgeek
I knew it! Jeremy just doesn't quit!
8/26/2011 c5 M-dog14NCISgeek
I am not understanding why Piper didn't just go with Leo. She could go with him and then kick Spike's ass with P3!
8/25/2011 c4 M-dog14NCISgeek
I'm now confused on why Piper insisted on getting Wyatt. You would think that she would want to protect her son. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, Piper's just a little OOC in my opinion.
8/25/2011 c3 M-dog14NCISgeek
I feel... Very confused. Did the vampire turn her or charm (no pun intended) her? Why is she bowing to his will?
8/25/2011 c2 M-dog14NCISgeek
If you're still interested in tips I've got one.

You skip around a lot. Try to focus on one thing at a time. I know tar can be really hard because of all the ideas in your mind, but slow down a bit.
8/25/2011 c1 M-dog14NCISgeek
I love the summoning spell! Nice first chapter! :D
8/19/2010 c17 1sallysamtally
omg you should make a sequel i am curious to know what happens with the baby very good ending
7/15/2009 c1 1Bluejacketsman
It is good. Where the vampires invited in by Piper earlier? A vampire can't come in unless it is invited.
7/14/2008 c9 lizardmomma
very good job
7/11/2008 c7 lizardmomma
very good, a little short, but worth the wait.
9/11/2007 c6 lizardmomma
nice work
5/11/2007 c4 lizardmomma
good work
5/10/2007 c4 35mandymoore1
love iyt hopt there ok
5/9/2007 c3 mandymoore1
Love it, but out of charicter for Piper she wouldn't put wyatt at risk, she'd want him to be safe with her sisters.
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