Just In
for These Days

1/9/2008 c45 BrOoKe DaViS23
Aw i loved this chapter soo much it was really cute. I love lexi she is the coolest and aw they had an other brucas baby aw

brucas children would be soo awesome. I am soo glad there is not only 2 or 3 chapters i love this story and am going to miss it when your finished. But cant wait to the next update.
1/9/2008 c45 4Brucasxo4ever
lol i love it...i dont like the name Griffin sounds wired lol...i like the name Alexis thought...i loved the flash back...UPDATE SOON!
1/9/2008 c45 21dolcegrazia
I think this chapter, skipping ahead into the future, really worked. I really enjoyed it. I nannied a baby this summer that I called "Bub". ;) Update soon!
1/9/2008 c45 Krysatal Riaz
YEAH! I am so excited that you decided to continue with the story! I couldn't be more thrilled right now! Loved the chapter and Brooke and Lucas' kids are so damn cute!

Happy Brucas + Cute kids = FANATASTIC STORY!

Please up soon because I can't wait to read the next chapter!
1/9/2008 c45 Katherine
ABSOLUTELY GREAT CHAPTER! At first when I saw the title, I knew right away that you were going to be jumping ahead 4 years and I honestly didn't know how to feel about it. I kind of had my doubts because I really wanted to read about Alexis being born and Brooke and Lucas bonding with the baby but you solved the problem by using fact, I loved them and I would defintely LOVE reading more flashbacks about Alexix and Griffins birth and how Brooke and Lucas dealt with being new parents. This chapter was AMAZING. I am also unbelievably happy that you decided to write more than 2 or 3 chapters. I was so upset when I found out that you were going to be wrapping up this story soon. And you updated so fast this time!I don't want to see any major drama in this story...the BL moments with their children like in this chapter are more than enough to make me happy. One thing that I defintely would like to see in future chapters is Brucas fluff, and LOTS OF it! Please update soon!
1/9/2008 c45 wtlozy
Loved it! Please update soon.
1/9/2008 c45 brucas333

i LOVE the idea of jumping 4 years ahead! i absolutely LOVE the way you write griff and lexi...they are so adorable! and the way you include the flashbacks, and just...


your perfect!

this story is perfect! i couldn't wish for anything more or less. :D
1/9/2008 c45 othfan326
great chapter!

i loved it! theyre all so cute together.

one question: whats lucas' job now? he quit the other one...

im so happy that you decided to extend it.

please update soon!
1/8/2008 c45 bella
love this fic their children are just to cute

glad their are a lot of brucas fics cause it seems like all the characters are pimping leyton

at leats they could have kept with linsady

cant wait for your next update
1/8/2008 c45 LiZ457
so cute! :] please update asap!
1/8/2008 c44 1princetongirl
loved it update soon
1/8/2008 c44 Brucas True Love
I liked it

Update soon
1/7/2008 c44 BrOoKe DaViS23
Aw great chapter like always. I thought the laley morgan part was really cute. And poor brooke i am glad lucas was there for her. I cant believe this story is alomost over i am soo oing to miss it. Because it is like one of my fave stories on fanfaction. But update really soon and cant wait to read more.
1/6/2008 c44 Krystal Riaz
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT END! Especially since you started updating it again! I love this story to much to watch it end anytime soon. I know that it had to end sometime and now seems like a good time or whatever but I was really really really looking forward to the Brucas baby and read about how the new family adjusts to having a baby around. As MUCH as I would love to start reading your new story, please don't end this and if you do, CAN YOU PLEASE WRITE A SEQUAL? It doesn't have to be long...just a few chapters about Brucas and baby Scott. Anyways, update soon! I probably sound pathetic for begging so much but at this point, I don't even care. lol
1/6/2008 c44 LiZ457
loved it :] please update asap!
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