Just In
for These Days

2/6/2008 c48 naley4ever323
really great chapter.
2/5/2008 c49 xox- jonas girl forever -xox
I love this story update soon.
2/5/2008 c49 chasitybsp
Never reviewed as much as I should have- but Ive been reading your story all along and I have loved it- as much as I hate to say this I think its a good time to end this fic as well.. I dont think it can get much better!-

Love your new story by the way- It sounds like things are going to get interesting...

2/4/2008 c49 LiZ457
please update asap!
2/4/2008 c49 brucas333

i love this story...


and it's coming to an end

2/4/2008 c49 23justawritier
loved it! The wedding was so cute.
2/4/2008 c49 2CheerandBrood323
wow little girls are so like that. me and my friends use to charge a dollar for our gradma and papa to watch our dance shows. update soon.

xo Cass

ps i LOVE your new story!
2/4/2008 c49 17Mosie1213
omg! i loved that chapter! AMAZING! So beautiful! I always love your updates and I'll be so sad when the story ends. But I look forward to reading your new one. I was wondering though if you had thought about following up this story with a sequel? Cuz this is reall good story, one of the best i have ever read, and I think there could be a good sequel. But I was just wondering. UD soon!

2/4/2008 c49 Katherine
You are a fantastic writer and this chapter was love. It was wonderful and all those flashbacks were just plain beautiful. God, if only the show was like that, I think I would die a very happy

But then these Brucas stories, especially this one, help me make it through the crappy episodes and the Pucas fest.

Anyways, update soon!
2/4/2008 c49 Brucas True Love
I loved it

This chap was great

Update soon
2/4/2008 c49 3S05Y31
Great chapter! I love Brucas in this! Their wedding was so cute!

And so are Alexis and Griffin!

I laughed when Alexis and Morgan danced...It reminded me of what me, my sister and my cousins used to do when we were little! We always used to dance for our family or make up little plays to perform lol!

Great chapter! I love this story and Its sad to see it coming to an end but I think its the right time...I also love your other story! So please update that one soon too! Well done :)
2/4/2008 c49 sarah
I loved this chapter! I loved the wedding part the most. You are a great writer, and I'm going to check out your other story you mentioned. I bet it's fabulous also.
2/4/2008 c48 sarah
I have loved reading this story, I think it is absolutely perfect. I love every chapter you have written. Iknow you said it was ending soon, so, so, so sad to hear that, but I understand
2/4/2008 c49 BL-CS
aw! it's so cute! UD SOON!
2/4/2008 c49 othfan326
this was an AMAZING chapter! the wedding flashback was amazing. so was the second one.

please update soon
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