Just In
for Stephanie's New Deal

10/20/2007 c14 1Ally-Moore
great story! I really liked this chapter. Please keep up the good writing. I was glad to see Ranger finally send Maria ou of his room.
10/20/2007 c14 1cowcell
That was a very beautiful chapt. Its about time they got together. Hope they do in JE life too. You did a fabulous job, so not to worry.
10/20/2007 c14 reaganshanelle
I just finished your story from start to finish and I have to say I loved every word.

I can't wait until the next chapter.
10/19/2007 c14 8Peanut16
Great job! Can't wait for more!:)
10/19/2007 c14 temporarilyoutoforder
I wanna pretend like I'm not confuse but Ima drive myself crazy if I do so when he said "this is more than just a charade or ruse for me" was he talking about just the sex or the whole engagement? If you had ant kind of heart you would say the engagement. Think of what it would do to the mothers if it's all fake. RANGER'S MOTHER. Even though Ellen has been through alot with Stephanie, I think Maya deserve it ALOT more. Oh yeah... my likey what you did with Maria and Lester. Very cool.



10/19/2007 c14 20Wolf-007
It was good. Please update.
10/19/2007 c14 MystiW79
wow i can`t tell you how good this storys is

i want a Ranger for me too!

Whats with the deal? Goes the game to serios Deal?
10/19/2007 c14 7Rosaleen68
Great chapter. I enjoyed seeing Maria put in her place.
10/18/2007 c14 8XJerseyGirl
Excellent chapter Josie. For a virgin smut writer you did very well, you should be proud of yourself ... Ranger and Steph sure had a good time ... Glad Steph was able to one up Maria ... it helped her build her confidence. Can't wait to see where you take us next.

10/18/2007 c14 wolffowler
danm i love this fic ! i need a cold shower now thanks lol
10/18/2007 c14 3Chibi Babe
OHH LOL the smut was awsome lol. great! cant wait for the next update!
10/18/2007 c14 VetsWife
See, I knew those feelings were real. Another incredible chapter and your smut was superb!

10/18/2007 c14 5cricket527

Smut skipped (not my thing so I thank you for the warning at the top), rest of the chapter greatly enjoyed...I knew Maria couldn't have heard about Lula and Tank from Ranger..just not possible ;)

I'm looking forward to more of the story.

10/18/2007 c14 beckyboo100
This was a great chapter! You did a wonderful job on the smut :) Please post more soon!

10/18/2007 c14 22haleigh.l
You told me you were struggling with the smut - you little liar! That was great! I can't wait to see where you take it next, if they're actually together, or if there's still some miscommunication and angst coming. Keep up the good work :)

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