10/18/2007 c14
YAY! That was great. It was passionate without being sappy. I loved that Ranger knows his sister is being a hag. And a really big YAY that they are finally admitting feelings. I love it! More soon, please!

YAY! That was great. It was passionate without being sappy. I loved that Ranger knows his sister is being a hag. And a really big YAY that they are finally admitting feelings. I love it! More soon, please!
10/18/2007 c14
18Kate Manoso
OH MY GOD! Josie, that was totally great smut! I need a cigarette. Like, NOW!

OH MY GOD! Josie, that was totally great smut! I need a cigarette. Like, NOW!
10/18/2007 c14 anon
Oh! I love, love, LOVED IT! You did a great job! I can't wait to read what is next!
Oh! I love, love, LOVED IT! You did a great job! I can't wait to read what is next!
10/18/2007 c14
Awesome chapter and I can't wait for the next one. You did great with the smut.

Awesome chapter and I can't wait for the next one. You did great with the smut.
10/18/2007 c14
First time writing smut? I don't think so. I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke. It was way hot but still very emotion filled. The best kind. I especially liked the timing of his declaration that he wasn't playing. Gave me goosebumps. Very nicely done.

First time writing smut? I don't think so. I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke. It was way hot but still very emotion filled. The best kind. I especially liked the timing of his declaration that he wasn't playing. Gave me goosebumps. Very nicely done.
10/18/2007 c14 Mithy1
Josie, it was perfect. I'm do glad they finally got some communication going as to where they really stand. Please hurry with the next chappy.
Josie, it was perfect. I'm do glad they finally got some communication going as to where they really stand. Please hurry with the next chappy.
10/18/2007 c14 macyjayn
EXCELLENT! Glad to know Ranger noticed Maria's obnoxious behavior towards Steph and made her move down to the 4th floor apt. You did an excellent job with the smut too! The best part though, was Ranger and Steph both admitted that their engagement is not a play or a ruse, that they both love eachother! YAY! Great job, and can't wait for the next chapter.
EXCELLENT! Glad to know Ranger noticed Maria's obnoxious behavior towards Steph and made her move down to the 4th floor apt. You did an excellent job with the smut too! The best part though, was Ranger and Steph both admitted that their engagement is not a play or a ruse, that they both love eachother! YAY! Great job, and can't wait for the next chapter.
10/18/2007 c14
I can't tell you how happy I get when I see you've updated. It's better than a birthday present. This might have been your first attempt at smut, but it was incredible. Props to you for that. I'm glad that Ranger kicked Maria out of his apartment. That witch needs to stay out of Ranger and Steph's business. Even though I thought he was being way too nice to let her stay on the 4th floor. I would have sent her to some rat trap motel. I'm glad Ranger's not playing a part in here. Him and Steph are going to have to have that talk soon. And I hope he stops Maria's nasty behavior towards Steph before she starts anything else. Great job, Josie. I can't wait for more.

I can't tell you how happy I get when I see you've updated. It's better than a birthday present. This might have been your first attempt at smut, but it was incredible. Props to you for that. I'm glad that Ranger kicked Maria out of his apartment. That witch needs to stay out of Ranger and Steph's business. Even though I thought he was being way too nice to let her stay on the 4th floor. I would have sent her to some rat trap motel. I'm glad Ranger's not playing a part in here. Him and Steph are going to have to have that talk soon. And I hope he stops Maria's nasty behavior towards Steph before she starts anything else. Great job, Josie. I can't wait for more.
10/18/2007 c14 Alfonsina del Mar
WOW! Thank you for letting the karma fairy come in the form of Lester! It was just enough to put her in her place and clear the air! For your first adventure into smut (fanning self) if was amazing!
Keep up the good work, babe!
WOW! Thank you for letting the karma fairy come in the form of Lester! It was just enough to put her in her place and clear the air! For your first adventure into smut (fanning self) if was amazing!
Keep up the good work, babe!
10/18/2007 c14
I would not change one thing. It was perfect! I do have a question I thought Steph and Joe were still together or did I miss a chapter?

I would not change one thing. It was perfect! I do have a question I thought Steph and Joe were still together or did I miss a chapter?
10/17/2007 c13 anon
Yum! We need an update.
Yum! We need an update.
10/15/2007 c13 vicki acklin
so glad i found this, it's really very good, you should be proud. i'm just sorry i didn't find it earlier to review...v
so glad i found this, it's really very good, you should be proud. i'm just sorry i didn't find it earlier to review...v
10/14/2007 c13 FSD
Please tell me that Maria isn't going to run into Morelli while she's in Trenton! Those two could do some damage...
Love the story. Please post more soon! J
Please tell me that Maria isn't going to run into Morelli while she's in Trenton! Those two could do some damage...
Love the story. Please post more soon! J