11/26/2018 c1 Margaritasalt8
This is really good. You’re very talented. I hope you come back and finish!
This is really good. You’re very talented. I hope you come back and finish!
9/3/2017 c15 5Sassysaint
You have really weaved an incredible story. I know it's hard when you get writer's block. I truly hope you can find the inspiration to come back and finish it. I really enjoyed your writing and story.
You have really weaved an incredible story. I know it's hard when you get writer's block. I truly hope you can find the inspiration to come back and finish it. I really enjoyed your writing and story.
5/5/2017 c15 Guest
Please Come back and finish
Please Come back and finish
9/11/2016 c15 Guest
Please ginish
Please ginish
7/26/2016 c15 1Shanita67
Reading all of your stuff. Please finish this. I think I know what she is up to but I want to find out for sure
Reading all of your stuff. Please finish this. I think I know what she is up to but I want to find out for sure
8/24/2015 c15 Guest
This is good. You should keep going with it! :)
This is good. You should keep going with it! :)
8/3/2015 c10 20aruvqan
Honestly, nobody in my family other than my husband has keys to my place, and actually for the entire has to count the damned years - I am getting too old for this shit! 37 years I have lived away from my birth family they have *never* had keys to my place. I have always been very private, and if you do not live with me, you do not get into my house without me letting you in.
And if I were Ranger, as soon as I found Maria in my flat, and found out what she said and did, she would have been kicked out and her access removed.
Honestly, nobody in my family other than my husband has keys to my place, and actually for the entire has to count the damned years - I am getting too old for this shit! 37 years I have lived away from my birth family they have *never* had keys to my place. I have always been very private, and if you do not live with me, you do not get into my house without me letting you in.
And if I were Ranger, as soon as I found Maria in my flat, and found out what she said and did, she would have been kicked out and her access removed.
12/6/2014 c15 HayNSW2711
wondering if this is gunna get finished?
im liking it
wanna know what the little bitch is up to?
wondering if this is gunna get finished?
im liking it
wanna know what the little bitch is up to?
1/25/2014 c15 lillie.metcalffender
OMG it looks like you are not continuing this story. I hope you update soon, I loved it! You cant leave it on a cliff hanger like that. I need to know what it going on, my imagination is running wild. I have never read a story were one of Rangers family members were up to something or not nice and open to Steph. This story is just getting good and I need more. Please update soon!
OMG it looks like you are not continuing this story. I hope you update soon, I loved it! You cant leave it on a cliff hanger like that. I need to know what it going on, my imagination is running wild. I have never read a story were one of Rangers family members were up to something or not nice and open to Steph. This story is just getting good and I need more. Please update soon!
8/4/2013 c15 carrotmusic
Holy left on a cliff, Batman! I'm just dying to know what Maria is up to, and whether Ranger and Steph make it to the altar - please? You have done a great job so far. Thanks for sharing!
Holy left on a cliff, Batman! I'm just dying to know what Maria is up to, and whether Ranger and Steph make it to the altar - please? You have done a great job so far. Thanks for sharing!
8/4/2013 c14 carrotmusic
That was a beautiful scene. I'm left with the impression that things are getting "real" for them. Thanks for sharing.
That was a beautiful scene. I'm left with the impression that things are getting "real" for them. Thanks for sharing.